“Talking Through Tubes: Molecular Ecologies of Place” presented by Ribeiro and Anacé
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This paper dialogues with the sub-theme Ecologies of Place considering exploring the interplay of physical, digital, and ecological elements from cross-scale perspectives that have the potential to shape our understanding and experience of place. Presenting and discussing aspects of the interactive installation ‘Talking Through Tubes” (2023-2024) the artist explores and interprets these layered ecologies, considering the interactions of human, non-human, and technological actors in shaping sustainable and interconnected places in the digital age. Foregrounding the ‘semantic aspect of shamanism’ in the technoetic context, the work revisits the term ‘shamantic’ introduced by Roy Ascott in 1996, related to all that transcends macroscale. Placed on city trees in gardens, squares, and sidewalks, the ‘relational system’ (more than a relational object) that belongs to the series “Inhaling Consciousness” — a tree branch (tree) to which is attached a flexible tube hose/prosthesis, flexible PVC pipe, Arduino, dust sensor, LCD — is a cross-scale creative and critical exploration of manifestations of ‘tube’ as both object and concept, relating these to the body. The audience/pedestrians are invited to play with the tube, holding and moving freely, blowing air through the tube (an extension from the tree’s body) or inhaling from its interior, promoting microbial exchange between humans and the microbiota of the tree—-helping heal broken biotic conversations in anthropogenic contexts.