“Primal Experience: Works of Art as Artificial Wombs” presented by Kelomees

Session Title:

Eco/Techno Feminism (short papers)

Presentation Title:

Primal Experience: Works of Art as Artificial Wombs

Presentation Subtheme:

Resilient stories



The exploration of technical artworks termed “artificial wombs” involves physically placing the viewer inside the work, incorporating touch, vibration, body position, and temperature experiences. This immersive approach aims to evoke primal sensations akin to being in a safe womb. Exam-ining projects like “Nemo Observatory,” “Sound Capsule,” and “Haptic Field,” where participants encounter artificial environments, the study delves into psychological drivers of tactile and bodily immersion. While some projects aim for calming environments, others introduce surprising disturb-ances. Notably, these differ from VR experiences, emphasizing a physical separation from surroundings. Examples like “Optofonica Capsule,” “Iso-phone,” and “Waterwalk” engage kinesthetic and proprioceptive senses, challenging partici-pants physically and mentally. The study explores the genu-ine, sensory “inside” experience in these artworks, distinct from metaphorical immersion.
