Forum des Images
Venue Function(s):
- Performance(s)
Venue Location:
Paris, France
The Forum des Images, a cultural institution of the City of Paris, is pleased to once again welcome, more than 20 years after its 10th edition, the International Symposium on Digital Creation (ISEA) from May 16 to 21, 2023.
Facilitator of meetings between the different forms of narrative images, the Forum des Images builds its annual program around 4 arts: cinema, comics, video games, and digital creation. The symposium, which this year proposes to reflect on the theme of symbiosis, echoes our desire to unite various arts and industries around strong common issues.
Supporting and developing digital creation ecosystems is also part of our missions and is illustrated through programming for the general public, the TUMO Paris digital creation school, and, this year, the launch of NewImages Hub, which is structured around three areas of support for projects or artists: creation, production, and dissemination. Our ambition through the Hub is to structure XR activities in a cyclical logic, with a holistic approach responding to the needs of the ecosystem and stimulating innovation and expansion of the sector.
For more than 30 years and today more than ever, the Forum des images has never ceased to give audiences the keys to questioning new images and making them their own. This is why we are delighted to host the 28th edition of ISEA2023, a global meeting bringing together the artistic and scientific communities as well as the cultural industries, within the Forum des Images.
Venue Special Events and Presentations:
Venue Art Events:
Venue Presentations:
Title: (Re)imagining human-yeasts relations via art-science collaboration Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: 104factory Paris&Co: Cultural and Creative Incubators Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: A Collaborative, Experimental VR Artists’ Studio Program Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: A hybrid listening to atmospheric processes Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: A Latin America Network for Art and Cybernetics: The Centre for Art and Communication [CAyC] Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: A Performance Co-Created with an Autonomous Virtual System: A Symbiotic Approach Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: A sympoietic ocean: Design research with/in the marine holobiont Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: ACM SIGGRAPH History Archive Comes Alive: 50 Years of Innovation, Creativity and Ground-Breaking Achievements Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: ACM SIGGRAPH History Online Archives: Showcasing 50 Years of Innovation, Creativity and Ground-Breaking Research Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: AIwriting: Relations Between Image Generation and Digital Writing Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Algae Chorus: A Sound Installation of Interdependence Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Alliance Artem: ENSAD-Nancy, ICN Business School, Mines Nancy (EU, FRA) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Alphabetic pleasures: when signs mate Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Amateur Lithopanspermia: Decolonial outer space perspectives, slow space travel, and lichen-human hybrids Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: An Immersive Multi-Screen VR System for Museum Archive Browsing in the age of Metaverse Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Animate: A Theatrical Exploration of Climate Transformation through the Medium of Extended Reality (XR) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Archiving the In‐Between: ONB-Labs Art Program – Artists engaging with digital collections of the Austrian National Library Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Ars Electronica Archive: current developments and plans Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: ARt chat: Art and Communication Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Art Data: New Frontiers in Curating, Preserving, Displaying and Connecting Digital Based Arts Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Art, science and industry: a symbiotic milieu to rethink visions of the world Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Art-science and world shaping/forming Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Artist-Guided Neural Networks: automated creativity or tools for extending minds? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Artpoint: Art in the era of new technologies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Artypical archive. Art, Science and Technology in post-Soviet perspective Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: At the Sources of an Artistic Mutation towards Science: the First Years of the Journal Leonardo (1968-1981) as a Forum for the Pioneers of Digital Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Augmenting Creative Symbiosis Using a Cyber/Physical Aesthetic Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Auto-archiving 20 years of Pixelache Helsinki Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Balance-Unbalance: Ecology and ArtScience in a time of needed Symbiosis Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: BATVISION: Empathise with a bat life Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Resist like bacteria Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Bio Elektron: A Multisensory Approach to Augmenting Dance Combining Biosignals, Drawing, Sound and Electrical Feedback Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Bodies in Play? (OCAD University) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Brain-Body Digital Musical Instrument Work-in-Progress Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Bridging Knowledge: Connecting New Media Art Archives Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Cap Digital: Let’s invent the tools and digital brushes to create the arts of the future Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Carbon Art Residency: Formation of the organization Carbon Art Residence on the basis of pavilion 13 VDNG Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: CDA-Centre des Arts d’Enghien-les-Bains : Co-Evolution, Co-Creation & Improvisation - Man/Machine Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Challenged by Choices: Narrative and Virtual Reality – a Symbiosis or Antibiosis? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Club Innovation & Culture (CLIC) France: Metaverse and web 3.0 at the service of artists Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: CNC: Public Funding for the Digital Creation – From the concept to distribution, what is the role of the public support? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Co-creation towards the post-Anthropocene Presenter(s):- Pieter Steyaert
- Angelo C.J. Vermeulen
- Amy Holt
- Mona Nasser
- Pim Tournaye
- Jeroen Verschuren
- Diego S. Maranan
- Giusy Checola
- Oriel Marshall
Title: Collectif MU – La Station – Gare des Mines (UE-FRA) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Conceptual roadmap: translate media arts practice into theoretical issues Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Connected archives. New archive interfaces from queer and open-source strategies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Coping potential of creativity and art-practices in times of war: culture diplomacy, fundraising, curatorship and art-therapy force project Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Copy-It-Right. The Distribution Religion: The Media Archaeology of the Sandin Image Processor Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Cosmo-Techno-Poiesis: Architecture of Environmental Control Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Cosmologies of Care: Epistemological and Ontological Repositioning of Symbiotic Relationships in Art and Living Systems Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Curation as Research-Creation: Speculating on the Future of Art and Technology Festivals Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Curb the Black Box: Overcoming Techno-Positive Fantasies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Cyberfeminism Index: Noah’s Archive of Cyberfeminist Art and Culture Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: DAOs: A Blockchain-based application not intervening, but strengthening the agility of contemporary arts Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Data-Phantoms: Impossible Nests (Memories Post Extinction) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Deeply Listening Through/Out the Deepscape Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Design Fiction: Creativity and Science-fiction for developing soft skills Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Digital Research Unit in Art and Design of ESAD Saint-Étienne/Ensba Lyon Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Digital strategies as our common challenge: The work of Open Resource Center and AuDA Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Dinosaur Choir: Becoming Hadrosaur via Musical Interface Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Disembodiment in VR: Immersed in 3D Audio Experiences Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Disruptive Avant-Garde Art of Today: Shaping Post-Growth Imaginaries for Symbiotic Futures Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Drivers for resilience in cultural organizations: lessons from the Montreal festivals in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: École universitaire de recherche: ArTeC Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Ecotechnologies of practice: in-forming changing climates Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: EDF: Up Data Solar Presenter(s):- Guillaume Foissac
- Cyrille Thouvenin
- Etienne Mallo
- Clara Jouault
- Louis Charron
- Shin Kim Hyung
- Janes Zabukovec
Title: Electronic arts in the age of the metaverse: what kind of a positive symbiotic organization? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Eleven Movements of the Cryoscape: Ecological Explorations in Sonification for Affectively Engaging with Climate Change Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Ephemera: Bubble Representations as Metaphors for Endangered Species Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Ésam Caen-Cherbourg, Laboratoire modulaire Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Espace vert, a link to life through experimentation Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Expanded Animation: Synaesthetic Syntax Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Experimental Music as Sympoiesis: Inventing (Sonic) Worlds with 'Song Cycle for Symbionts' Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Exploration.135 (ocean history telecom invisibility) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Exploring the Digital Archive as a Thinking Space – AI Aspects on Documentation, Access and Knowledge Discovery Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Facial Interface Culture: Filters, Fakes, Flaneurs, and NFTs Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Feeling One’s Way: In Search of a Symbiotic Vocabulary of the Virtual Presenter(s):- Rémi Sagot-Duvauroux
- Olga Kobryn
- Matthieu Couteau
- Sophie Balcon-Fourmaux
- François Garnier
- Rémi Ronfard
- Guillaume Soulez
Title: Ferment Radio: Cultivating conversations with microbes and humans Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: FILE archive in progress Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Focus An image-based public presentation with the .able journal platform Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Focus Québec: Artist Talks Presenter(s):- Juliette Lusven
- Jean-Philippe Côté
- Yan Breuleux
- Bill Vorn
- Louis-Philippe Demers
- Sam Bourgault
- Louis-Philippe Rondeau
- Baron Lanteigne
- François-Joseph Lapointe
- Samuel St-Aubin
- Matthew Biederman
- Alain Thibault
Title: Fondation Daniel & Nina Carasso: Ecology of Practices Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: For a more symbiotic co-individuation with our technological avatars: how to go, with the Sciences and the Arts, beyond hybridization? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: For a symbiotic art/design/science education Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Forum Changer d’ère: Towards the symbiotic human? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Forum des images: Supporting XR every step of the way; an overview of the Newlmages Hub Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: French National Network of Hybrid Arts and Digital Cultures Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: French national network TRAS: Transversal Arts-Sciences Networks Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: From self-documentation to federated querying using Wikibase: a new topology to Media Art Archiving? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Generated tools: A defamiliarizing approach to creating ML art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Generative Art as a Collaborative Research Methodology with Guarani and Kaiowá Indigenous Communities Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Gesture and Spatiality in Electroacoustic Improvisation with Digital Video Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Global Archiving Network: The 2nd Summit Case Study Report Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Globally Connecting New Media Art Archives: Progress, Goals and Challenges Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Hac Te, Barcelona’s new Hub of Arts, Science and Technology Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Holy Coli, the mice in odour of sanctity Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: How Digital Anthropomorphism Enhances Creativity in Human-to-Robot Dance Interactivity Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Human and machine generating poetic energy Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Human Energetics in an Era of Post-Humanism Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Hybrid Entanglements: a posthuman dramaturgy for human-robot relationships Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Hydrological symbiosis: An approach to the experience of water-based artworks Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Imaginaries and engineering through bodily and digital experience with experimental matter for artistic outcome Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Imaginaries in Becoming: The Dynamic Archive Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Imagining Place: building symbiotic relations Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Immersive Arts Space: Between Research, Teaching, Production in the Emerging field of “Immersive Arts” @ Zurich University of the Arts Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Immersive environments, video tracking and collective interactivity on smartphone: a generic ‘dispositif’ Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Immersive Possibilities: Archiving Sound Art of Live Performance in the Context of the Metaverse Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Intelligent Sensibility: Human-Machine Symbiotic Agencies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Introducing The ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: ISEA Symposium Archives: From the Past to the Present Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: ISEA Symposium Archives: Recent Developments Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: ISEA2023 Education Forum Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Jacques Polieri’s archive at the National Library of France : from scenography to zerography or an art of memory Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: LAVIN: An AI-Navigated Art Experience in Virtual Reality Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Le Cube Garges: A Hub for Cultural Innovation Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Le Fresnoy: Studio national des arts contemporains (EU, FRA) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Leaving our comfort zone. A proposal to co-create appropriation in Media Art Archives for their sustainable future Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Life-as-it-could-be: Symbiosis in Interspecifics’ Codex Virtualis_Genesis Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Light Up Kelowna: Coordination and Development of Networked Community-based Media Art Urban Screen Infrastructure Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Live 4 Life: A dream for a free and open spatial performance tool towards symbiosis or death? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Living with Kombucha: Flavor, Feminism, Free Culture, Ritual Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Looking Back on 10 Years of Expanded Animation Symposium: Organizing, Documenting and Archiving Together with Students Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Lucid Dream: Sensing and Artistic Representation of Plant-Nature Interaction Based on Plants Biosignals Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: MAIF Award for Sculpture: The Digital, Tool or Artistic Revolution? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: MAIF: What kind of digital for my planet? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: MARCEL: Multimedia Art Research Centres and Electronic Laboratories Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Memory, Love, and the Handmade in Interactive Data Installations Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Method for Design Materialization (MDM) as a new media archiving method for artists, educators and archivists: an introduction Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Motherplants, Mycelium network and artistic research Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Museum Ulm: Shaping the future museum with swarm curation and co-creation Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Mycorrhizal Materialities: positioning the entanglement of human and machine intelligence Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Mytherrella: an interactive installation hallucinating mythological auroral Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: NER: Physical-Virtual Multimodal Generative NFT with a Rarity Model Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Networked Collaborative Performance: Frugal Strategies and Cultural Impact of Technology Presenter(s):- Johannes Birringer
- Peter Nelson
- Dana Papachristou
- Stella Paschalidou
- Dr. Pavlos Antoniadis
- Iannis Zannos
- Jean-François Jégo
Title: Nga manawataki o te koiora: biological rhythms and decolonial thought Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Nonsynchronous Innovation: Periodizing the Digital Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Nourishing and Nurturing: Placentas, Incubators, and the Politics of Life Ex-Vivo Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Ohme: exploiting ArtScience as a driving force for symbiosis between artistic production, academic research, and science outreach Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Oplineprize International#14: Sublimation / Réification / Symbiose Presenter(s):- Michèle Robine
- Maurice Benayoun
- Jean-Jacques Gay
- Dominique Moulon
- Evgeniy Chernyshov
- Vidya-Kelie Juganaikloo
- Golnaz Behrouznia
- Yann Minh
Title: Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Minimum Viable Performance: a model for agile experimentation with arts and emerging technologies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: PAM (Plataforma Arte y Medios) – Archiving and Disseminating Media Arts from Latin America Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Paris Sciences et Lettres University (PSL), EnsAD (EU, FRA): Sciences Arts Creation Research (SACRe) program Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Phantom Physicality: A Key to the Symbiotic relationship between Analogue and Digital Worlds Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Piloting Shared Born-Digital Archives between the US and Europe Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Post-human motherhoods: Reflections on mother-offspring bonding as symbiotic individuation in Contemporary Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Power and resistance in digital degrowth Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Power to Imagination: Rethinking Creativity in the Digital Age Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Presenting “Piazza Virtuale” in five different ways: On using and other media for access to archived media art works and academic research Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Preserving a Hardware-Dependent Digital Artwork: Investigating Disk Imaging and Emulation Strategies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Pro Helvetia: Where artists and scientists meet – on artistic research and scientific creativity Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Processes, Fabrication and Design with Kombucha Bacterial Cellulose: Mapping Practices Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Production of smart textiles in a framework of sustainable fashion and electronic art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Proteus 3.0: Reinforcement learning for intuitive interaction with digitized matter Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Publication, dissemination and network collaboration in digital collections’ archive of memory institutions: interoperability among the information networks Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons, Wikipedia and Tainacan free software Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Realities in Transition Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Remixing the Flying Words Project Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Representing symbiosis: between artistic commitment and materiality Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Repurposing Social Media Platforms for Creative Expression Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: ReSilence: Retune the Soundscape of future cities through art and science collaboration Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Revolution Refridge: Domestic technology for democratic futures Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Robotic Swarm Shadow Theater Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Robots on Humans: Symbionts or Parasites? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Same Old Story: Agential Realism in the Study of Colonial Histories Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Science Art Policy Working on Common Ground Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Self-propelling Biohybrid Nanobots towards Artistic Practices Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Sensoriums for the ephemeral – gamification of values Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: SETI Institute: Are we alone? How trans-disciplinary practice helps us to conceive of Life beyond Earth Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Sounding Softness and the (Artificial) Subject Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Spectral Plain: a case study for exploring the world-building potential of co-creative systems that combine text generation models with game mechanics Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Strategies and Conditions of Video Art Collections in Latin America Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Structures of Emotion: Speculating an AI-Human Symbiosis Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Summit on New Media Art Archiving: Strategic Planning 2023/24 Presenter(s):- Violeta Vojvodic Balaz
- Wim van der Plas
- Terry C. W. Wong
- Bonnie L. Mitchell
- Janice T. Searleman
- Byeongwon Ha
- Oliver Grau
Title: Sustainable digital preservation of the new media art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Symbiosis and the fallacy of a naturefree existence Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Symbiosis and the fallacy of a naturefree existence Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Symbiotic Collaborators: The New Creative Subject in Postdigital Participatory Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Symbiotic Interaction: Body-worn interfaces as a tool to promote the symbiotic relationships between plants and humans Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Symbiotic Mutualism and Artistic Exploration against Anthropocentric Science Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Symphony of the Stones: activating the metallic pollutants of the urban landscape in an urban art installation practice Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Technoshamanism: Symbiotic Techniques of Art and Healing Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Terminal: Existence, conservation, and dissemination of Computational Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The BUKAS Lab: Opening artscience exploration and futures literacy in the Global South Presenter(s):- Diego S. Maranan
- Pieter Steyaert
- Lucky Vengua
- Franchesca Casauay
- Jerome A. Suplemento
- Mona Nasser
- Ann Peeters
- Robert Figueroa
- Ulrike Kuchner
- Amy Holt
- Pim Tournaye
- Yvette Gonzalez
- Angelo C.J. Vermeulen
Title: The Censorship of Dreams: The Symbiosis of People and Technology Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Creative Design and Social Service Practice of zen_Farm Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Dark Side of the NFTs: The Artists’ Need for New Systems of Collaboration Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Emerging CYENS ArtTech Archive: Affordances and Opportunities of an R&I Institution as an Arts & Technology Stakeholder Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Enigma A/V performance and the concept of Agnostic Media Environment (AME) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Fluidity of Breath: A Collaboration Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Hitchcock Experience: a Spatial Montage project Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Planning Game: for an Archeology of Cybernetics in Economy Presenter(s):- Tincuta Heinzel
- Lasse Scherffig
- Dana Diminescu
- Narcis Tulbure
- Yanina Prudenko
- Ioana Macrea-Toma
- Constantin Vică
- Maria Mandea
Title: The Revolution Will Launch in the Garden: Politics of representation and vegetal intellig(senti)ence Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Rojava Center for Democratic Technologies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Spanish Network of Art, Science, Technology and Society: Red-Acts Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Virtual2 LabX Initiative of Avatarial Studies & Creation Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The w(e)aves of complexity: Relational ontologies within the “Symbios” Art Exhibition Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Worlds of Entanglements: Reflection on Posthumanist Ontologies in Art&Science Projects Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe Archives Presenter(s):- Margit Rosen
- Felix Mittelberger
- Morgan Stricot
- Christian Haardt
- Hartmut Jörg
- Matthieu Vlaminck
- Dorcas Müller
Title: The ‘effects of initiation and expertise’ on the bodily and cognitive symbiosis between a human and a digital entity thanks to an experiential device hybridizing 3D simulation, analog video and autoscopic avatar Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The “Bichi” Project: Symbiotic Food Networks and the Alchemist Kitchen Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Thief of Truth: VR comics about the relationship between AI and humans Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Thinking with Tides: An Inventory of Technical Objects within the Thames Estuary Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Thought Exhibition. On critical zones, cosmograms, and the impossible outside Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Towards a Methodology for Co-creating Artistic Acoustic Ecologies with the Great Lakes Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Towards a Relational Model of Co-located Interaction in Interactive Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Towards a sympoietic relation with materials in interactive artworks Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Towards an Intelligent IoT System for the Data-Informed Museum of the Future Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Towards Sensemaking in the Meshwork of Technology, Ecology and Society: Symbiosis of Aesthetics, Performance, and Digitalization Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Useful Fictions: An experimental platform for creative co-production of artwork by artist-scientist teams Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Viable Planetarity (Post Growth Prototypes) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: VOLTAJE (art and technology Salon): Art as an experience not as an object Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Volume of Voids: Artistic Visualizations of the Disequilibrium Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: VR Calligraphy: Transposing Chinese calligraphy as choreographed movements into whole-body performances in VR Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Water Stories: Visual Poetics and Collective Voices Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Welcome to the Metaverse: Hacking Affect in Immersive Documentary to Increase Critical Big Data Literacy Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Welcome to the Third Summit on New Media Art Archiving Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: When interactive artworks act as archives: migrating and documenting Immemory by Chris Marker Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: White Cube / Black Box: Investigating Bias in Museums and Algorithms Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Working plants from afar Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Working with Artists as Part of Our Team: Surrey Art Gallery’s Commitment to the Production and Presentation of Digital and Interactive Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: ZKM: Matter. Non-Matter. Anti-Matter. Past Exhibitions as Digital Experience Presenter(s): — Symposium: