“Media Archiving Tradition: Algorithmic Analysis and Preservation of Geometric Patterns in Historical Architectural Monuments” presented by Unknown presenters
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This article proposes that examining the algorithmic structure analysis of geometric patterns with computational methods has a significant role in preserving and restoring various examples found in architectural structures of historical importance. Using computational methods, researchers can accurately analyze the intricate details of geometric patterns and detect any damage or deterioration in artworks. This information can then be used to develop effective conservation and restoration strategies, ensuring that these architectural structures are preserved for future generations to appreciate. Through systematic examination of geometric patterns, we gain insight into these structures’ craftsmanship and cultural significance and create a digital archive that can aid long-term preservation efforts. The article conducts a structural analysis of six distinct geometric pattern examples that are present within the traditional context. It employs a combination of applied mathematical and empirical approaches to propose form-specific methods for computationally generating significant motifs passed down through tradition. Adopting this approach makes it feasible to transfer patterns that are defined algorithmically to future contexts, regardless of the medium used. This approach also provides a means to mitigate the risk of technological obsolescence.