Cli­mate Change: Em­body­ing the Data


Session Title:

  • The Data Landscapes of Climate Change (FARFIELD 2)

Presentation Title:

  • Cli­mate Change: Em­body­ing the Data




  • Panel: The Data Landscapes of Climate Change (FARFIELD 2)

    For a vast ma­jor­ity of peo­ple, cli­mate change re­mains largely ab­stract, per­cep­ti­ble only by its ef­fects, by its symp­toms, to use a med­ical vo­cab­u­lary. Like­wise, for a vast ma­jor­ity of peo­ple, sci­en­tific charts re­main largely ab­stract and il­leg­i­ble. How can they be turned into a “gras­pable re­al­ity”? How can these data be brought into a fa­mil­iar realm? They can be made fa­mil­iar by pro­vid­ing a human scale to what is largely be­yond human senses and means of ap­pro­pri­a­tion, in ways that in­clude a phe­nom­e­no­log­i­cal com­po­nent. This em­bod­i­ment of data will be ex­am­ined and dis­cussed through a se­ries of art­works re­lat­ing to the Poles and the re­cent Lovely Weather artists-in-res­i­dence pro­ject in Ire­land.
