Conceptualization of audience participation in interactive documentary
Presentation Title:
Keywords: interactive documentary, audience participation, experimental documentary
Interactive documentary presentation. The interactive film “The East” brings out contrasts of North-East part of Estonia, which is industrial zone of the country with its picturesque nature, grim and beautiful landscapes and stories of the people living there. Audience should choose between 4 videos “in-waiting”. During last 20 second of the each clip appears a bar, which indicates selection period. In the same time number of choices made is projected onto image. After choosing time is over, new clip is projected to dominant position. Selection of clips is happening without interruption of the flow of main video.
We have done one experimental public presentation with individual interfaces for audience what we are going to update. Still there is possible make some conclusions and describe participatory experience of the project. Interface of the documentary is designed with Max/MSP.