“Cos” presented by Christiawan


Session Title:

  • East & West

Presentation Title:

  • Cos



  • Panel: East & West                                                                                                                              Institutional Presentation

    Cir­cle of Satan 3.0 / HONF
    Cir­cle of Satan is a plat­form for ex­changes, meet­ings, shar­ing, dis­cus­sions and com­mon think­ing. It ex­presses the strug­gle and dis­ad­van­tage of a de­vel­op­ing coun­try. When­ever op­por­tu­nity arises, an­other ob­sta­cle de­feats progress, in ei­ther the form of nat­ural dis­as­ter or human cor­rup­tion. In­done­sia still re­mains one of the poor­est na­tions, with a sub­stan­tial lack of tech­nol­ogy for the pub­lic. Is there still a dream pos­si­ble in the face of chaotic in­fra­struc­ture, cor­rup­tion, de­for­esta­tion, il­le­gal log­ging, the Pa­cific ring of fire, sweat­shops and glob­al­iza­tion. Cir­cle of satan / COS have been pre­sented in Slove­nia, Fin­land, Ru­ma­nia, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Sin­ga­pore, Ger­many, France, Nether­lands, Aus­tria, Czech Re­pub­lic, Canada, Aus­tralia, Tai­wan, China, Hun­gary, Lithua­nia, Spain, and so on and (of course) (es­pe­cially) in lots of uni­ver­si­ties and com­mu­ni­ties in In­done­sia.

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