“Cosmologies of Care: Epistemological and Ontological Repositioning of Symbiotic Relationships in Art and Living Systems” presented by Bobadilla, Demaray and Castellanos


Session Title:

  • Other Cosmologies (panels and round tables)

Presentation Title:

  • Cosmologies of Care: Epistemological and Ontological Repositioning of Symbiotic Relationships in Art and Living Systems

Presentation Subtheme:

  • Symbiotic Organizations




  • Despite the often wide phenomenological and ontological divides between humans and non-humans (or indeed because of them), artists have experimented with a myriad of methods of “collaboration” with myriad different species. This panel will explore the tricky edges of collaboration, asking how art-making can be a way of understanding trans/inter/cross-species relationships; or as environmental  biologist Robin Wall Kimmerer suggests, how can we learn
    from instead of learning about the more-than-human world?

    How do we understand the aims, desires and perceptual landscape of the non-human? We will discuss these questions as well as unpack terms such as symbiosis, parasitism, commensalism and mutualism. In doing so we hope to elucidate how the arts can contribute to an epistemological and ontological decentering, in order to open up possibilities for heretofore unconsidered collaborative relations.

