De­sign­ing for the In­ter­net of Peo­ple


Session Title:

  • Hybrid Spatial Experiences

Presentation Title:

  • De­sign­ing for the In­ter­net of Peo­ple




  • Panel: Hybrid Spatial Experiences

    With­out a pub­lic or de­mo­c­ra­tic dis­cus­sion we are being pushed into an In­ter­net of Things that will re­shape out ex­pe­ri­ence of pub­lic space. In con­trast, I pro­pose an In­ter­net of Peo­ple for a Post-Oil World. This vi­sion is one of a com­mu­nity build net­work which is both local and global and that pro­vides the tools and in­fra­struc­ture of daily life. To build this we need to set so­cial stan­dards that embed the so­cial qual­i­ties of that we want – into fu­ture tech­nolo­gies. What do we want those stan­dards to be, and how do we agree on them?
