“Hello, World: The Artist’s Palette Using New Media among Atoms, Bits, and Connectivity” presented by Sosa


Session Title:

  • Bio-creation & Data

Presentation Title:

  • Hello, World: The Artist’s Palette Using New Media among Atoms, Bits, and Connectivity




  • Keywords: Bit, Atom, New Media, Expressive Palette, Artist, Materiality, Immateriality, Neomateriality, Data, Poetry 

    The present work looks into the specificity of the artist’s palette with new media, focusing the analysis on the association between bits and atoms within the artistic field. The concepts of materiality, immateriality and neomateriality are examined to describe the particular features assumed by the dichotomy tangible/intangible in Art with New Media. Through the analysis of a corpus of works, we present a set of possibilities, issues and questions from our times, examined in context under the light of artistic movements from the 20th century like Conceptual Art and Pop Art. Finally, we explore the role of computer code—and the datum—in the expansion of the expressive palette.

PDF Document:
