University of Caldas
Venue Function(s):
- Workshop(s)
Venue Location:
Caldas, Colombia
Venue Presentations:
Title: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Research-creation (When Art is Part of Everything Else) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: ALGORICINE Genealogy Ontology, Aesthetics and Politics of Algorithmic Life, from the Ancient World to Big Data Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: And the Earth Sighed: A Case Study Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Applying Interaction Design for Building Mediated Experiences by Technology to Foster the Ancestral Culture of Colombia. Case: Kosmos Astronomical Museum Presenter(s):- Clara Isabel Pantoja Muñoz
- Carlos H. Sánchez Benavides
- Carolina Ledesma
- Andrés Felipe Gallego Aguilar
Title: Archiving Digital Heritage: Pioneers of Fin-De-Siecle Latin America Introduction Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Art and Interaction: Language and Meaning Production Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Art and Technology in Community: Platohedro’s Artistic Residency Program Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Art, Science and Anthropology Experiments: Inviting other Knowledge about Mosquito-borne Diseases through Transdisciplinary Collaborations Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Artes y Humanidades: la Universidad Pública en la Valorización de los Saberes 'inútiles' Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Artistic Brain: A Complex Nonlinear System as Advanced Neuroesthetic Research Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Arts Incubators: Cross-Sector Collaboration for Social Impact Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Augmentations Across Virtual and Physical Topologies: Mixed Reality Re-assembled Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Avoid Setup: Insights and Implications of Generative Cinema Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Bio-Creation of Informatics: Rethinking Data Ecosystems in the Network Economy Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Biomedical Signals in Media Art: towards the Awakening of Internal Peace Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Brazilian Pioneers in Art and Technology: Waldemar Cordeiro, Abraham Palatnik and Otávio Donasci Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Capricious Creatures: Animal Behavior as a Model for Robotic Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Chris Marker, All the Media/Arts Together Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Cinematic Experiences and Bio Visualization Introduction Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Civic Media and Data (h)ac(k)tivism: Environments, Tools and Practices for Critical Data+Code Literacy and Visualization Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Cognitive Beings: Brain Mechanisms Discussed in Cultural Studies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Compositional Approaches to Spatialisation with the speaker.motion Mechatronic Loudspeaker System Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Corporeal Cinema: Tactility and Proprioception in Participatory Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Creating 3D Animated Worlds to Explore Multi-species Conflict and Interdependence Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Creation of Meaning in Processor-based Artefacts Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Curating/containing: Exhibiting Digital Art about Mental Health Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Curatorship and New Media: Possible Dialogues Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Data and Public Policy: An Approach to Data Ecosystems from a Human Rights Perspective Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Data HarVest: Physical and Digital Data Collection for Citizen Science Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Data Won’t Change Your Behavior: A Critical Design Exploration of Quantified Self Technologies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Decomposing Landscape: Hearing the Troubled Site Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Design @ University of California, Davis Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Design for the Non-Human Presenter(s):- Tyler Fox
- Elizabeth Demaray
- Jordan Matthew Yerman
- Kira Decoudres
- Adam Zaretsky
- Leigh M. Smith
- Helene Steiner
Title: Design of Pictographic Signs for the Educational Area Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Design Process for Wearable Technologies and Urban Ecology: AirQ Jacket Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Designing for Bottom-Up Adaptation to Extreme Heat Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Digital Material and Creative Practice Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Digital Threshold: Art, Body and Self-reflection on the Screen Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Diligent Operator: The Resurrection of Musique Concrète with Max/MSP Jitter and Arduino Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: DIY Awareness of Ozone in Urban Desert Climates Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Does Ritual Disappear as Walter Benjamin Describes in “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” in the Age of Digital Technology? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Domains, Publics and Access: A Wiki In Progress On Access Archaeology Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Eastern Cultural Heritage, Digital Remediation and Global Perspectives Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Electronic Art in Brazil: Exhibition Spaces, Museological Strategies and Digital Archive Presenter(s):- Priscila Arantes
- Marcos Cuzziol
- Cleomar Rocha
- Nara Cristina Santos
- Tania Fraga
- Reynaldo Thompson
- Maria Luiza (Malu) Fragoso
Title: Emergence of (Experimental) Computer Art in Brazil: Pioneers and Events Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Encoding Colours: from the trichromatic theory to the electromagnetic signals Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Environmental Aesthetics and Nature Immersion Art Practices Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Establishing the Continuously Unfinished: The Institution as an Artistic Medium Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: European Media Art Network and European Media Artists in Residence Exchange (EMAN/EMARE) and SHARE! Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Evolved Architectural Representation: From Orthographic Drawings to Corporal Mapping and Swarm Behaviour Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Extending/Appending The Perceptual Apparatus: A History of Wearable Technology in Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Fake Organum: The Uneasy Institutionalisation of Art as Research Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Feminizing the Archives of Digital Art: Recovering the Work of Female Artists Working in Mexico, 1960-1980 Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Fluid Processor Design for Ecological Computing: a new techno-ecological computing paradigm for sustainability Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Forking as Cultural Practice: Institutional Governance after the DAO Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Foro Académico de Diseño y Arte Latinoaméricano Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Fostering Care and Peaceful Multispecies Coexistence with Agential Provotypes Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Galleries, Market Places and Fruit Shops, As Spaces for Cultural Expression, Graphic Creation and Folkloric Preservation Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Gestión de Conocimiento en el Ámbito Universitario: la Experiencia de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: GSCT KAIST, Graduate School of Culture Technology Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Hackitectures: Reordering Physical Spaces, Electronic Flows and Social Bodies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Hello, World: The Artist’s Palette Using New Media among Atoms, Bits, and Connectivity Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Higher Education for Sustainable Transitions by Mutual Learning in Immersive Transdisciplinary Real-world Laboratories (RwL) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: How Looking at Life from Another Angle Enriches the Contribution of Art and Technology to Socio-economic Development and Peace Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Image Manipulation Practices Through the History and Evolution of Photography Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Imagined Geography, Interstitial Futures, Guatemex Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Immersions in a Field Phenomenon: Going with the Flow Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Interactive Art Based on Musical Genealogy: Nam June Paik’s Random Access Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Interdisciplinary Innovation, Collaboration and Learning Processes in Academia Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: ISEA Symposium Archives: Update and Innovative Next Steps Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Journal for Research Cultures Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Journalism Visualization Devices: Six Visual Modes of Seeing Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Julio Le Parc & the GRAV: Instability, Movement, Active Past. A Perspective Look on his Work and Ideas from the Present of Electronic Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: La Última Alúa: Exploration of the Constituent Elements of Motion Comic in the Development of an Audiovisual Product Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Laboratories and Digital Experimentation Centers in Ecuador: First New Technologies Art Experiences Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Latin American Forum Legacy Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Laughing Stock: Satire and Stock Photography, from Digital Meme Culture to Post-Internet Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Leonardo/Olats: Art-Science collaborations & Artists in Residence Programmes (examples) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Mariotti’s Ritual Artefacts and the Origins of Media Art: In search of the Lost Multisensorial Characteristics of New media Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Mechanisms of Listening and Spatial Mental Imagery Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Media Art in the Ibero-American Context Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Media Culture and Heritage: Curating Outsidership Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Media Lab / BR Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Mental maps of Traditional Fisherman in the Caribbean Sea Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Methodological Approaches and Sensitive Experiences Based on Nature Immersions, Field Trips and Rural Residencies Introduction Presenter(s):- Bart Vandeput
- Karla Schuch Brunet
- Carlos Augusto Moreira da Nóbrega
- Laura Beloff
- Maria Luiza (Malu) Fragoso
Title: Motivation in Design Strategies for Behavior Change Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Moving Image + Data Visualization = Connection Visualization Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Multimodal Interaction, Medial Arts and Education: A case applied in the multimodal learning of bioinformatics concepts and the visualization of biological data Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: New Realities of the Body in Contemporary Performance Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Nonhuman Creation: Images from the End of the World Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: On Space Curves as a Substrate for Audiovisual Composition Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: On the Cohesion of an Electronic Device Ensemble Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Open Estudio: Mapping Intercultural Dialogues through Art and Technology Presenter(s):- Esteban García Bravo
- Carlos Mario Sánchez Giraldo
- Pablo Andrés Pulgarín
- Isabel Cristina Restrepo Acevedo
Title: Panel on Sonology: Sonifying the Conflict Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Place-making With Telepresence: A Navigation Guide to A Journey into Time Immemorial’s Seven Exhibition Spaces Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Poetic Instinct: Aesthetic experience as a vital function Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Politics of HCI and the User-Programmer Continum Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Preservation of Electronic and Digital Art in the Context of Expographic Spaces and Museums: An Information Management Perspective Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Preservation of Material and Immaterial Heritage through Interactive and Collaborative Artistic Interventions Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Production Processes of Mexican Digital Artists Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Projects Desluz and ZN:PRDM (Neutral Zone: a River Passes Through Me) by Poéticas Digitais Group Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Prolegomena for a Transdisciplinary Investigation Into the Materialities and Aesthetics of Soft Systems Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Prototyping Puppets Beyond Borders Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Red de MediaLabs Narratón: ¿Contamos historias alrededor de la reconciliación? — Symposium:
Title: Reimaging Coral Reefs: Remodelling Biological Data in the Design Process Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Reimagining the Art Institution as an Open Source Civic Organisation Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Representing Peace in Colombia through Interactive and Transmedia Non-Fiction Narrative Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Retracing the Story of Bourges’s Institute of Electroacoustic Music through Exploratory Programming and Live Visualizations Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Revealing Network Infrastructure at Geographic Scale Using Location Based Audio Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Roma Tre e la Terza Missione: La Cattedra Telematica di Lingua e Cultura Italiana Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Roma Tre University: La Fabbrica della Conoscenza e della Sostenibilità Urbana Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Signal Territories, Infrastructures and Intermediaries: New Interfaces for Art Science and Communication Policy Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Sopro (The Blow) Presenter(s):- Milton Terumitsu Sogabe
- Fernando Fogliano
- Fabio Oliveira Nunes
- Soraya Braz
- Carolina Peres
- Cleber Gazana
Title: Sounding Conflict: Aural Experiences in the Everyday Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Soundscape as a Pedagogical and Reflective Tool for the Preservation, Resignification, and Creation of Narratives about the Colombian Coffee Cultural Landscape: visual arts Laboratories of the Ministry of Culture Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Temporary and Distributed Libraries, Breaking Boundaries, Creating New Resources Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Aesthetic Experience of Augmented Reality Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Art & Technology Program at Aalborg University Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Art of Imaging Music: Music Recording in Acoustic Spaces and in Virtual Acoustics Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Challenge and Contribution of Digital Media to the History of Today’s Art: The idea of ‘Anarchive’ Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Demise of the Frame: A Media Archaeology of Motion Prediction Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Exhibition Space through the Presence of Digital Games Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Mutualism Relation within the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Return of Wonder: Speculative Robotics and Re-enchanting the Machine Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Sound of Decentralization: Sonifying Computational Intelligence in Sharing Economies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Towards an Inventory of Best Practices for Transdisciplinary Collaboration Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Training Methods for Transdisciplinary Collaboration: Best Practices and Didactics for Team Work Panel Introduction Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Transmedia as a Tool for the Reconstruction of Collective Memory in post-conflict Scenarios in Colombia Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: TURBA Concert in 15 Movements for 64 Neural Oscillators Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Un-Earths: Disorientation, landscape & the industrialized map Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Urban Intervention: Creation Lab as a Strategy for Conflict Resolution in Contemporary Culture Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Urban Mesh: Exploring Data, Biological Processes and Immersion in the Salmon People Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Using Animated Vectors to Generate 3D Models from 2D Shapes Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Valuably Unsought: Systems for Digital Serendipity Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Video Art, Artivism and Photography as Tools for Subvertising the Patriarchal Indoctrination of Advertising Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Vis. [un]necessary force: A Socially Engaged Creative Practice Research Project Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Visualising the Meditating Mind: the Aesthetics of Brainwave Data Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Visualization of Climate Change in Internet Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Warfare Outcome as a Ground for Destruction of Heritage and Real Estate Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Was Part of the Media Arts History Swept Under the Carpet? (Latin America’s Lost Ark) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Weeping Bamboo: Resonances from Within – Exploring Indigenous Memory Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: When a School of Satellites is a School of Photography Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Where is Art and Where is Science in Art-Science? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Adressaparken: A Multi-use Playspace Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: AHÍ: A Castaño Zapata Memory Life Map Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Ambiguous Materiality: Empathy through Tangible Sound Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: BCI Audiovisual Applications: An Introduction Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Beauty Technology: Seamless Interactions through Interactive Cosmetics Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Better Hands (Interactive Installation) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Biomimetics and Digital Fabrication Technologies, Creative Integration for Product Design Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Blackfoot Blogs and the Charm of Languages Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Book Presentation Jakká- Ninudlamama Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Comunidad, arte, ciencia y tecnología: Reflexiones sobre la producción y práctica artística Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Conflict, Collapse and Care: Co-creating NatureCulture in the 21st-century Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Data Mapping of 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Twitter Activity Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Electronic and Visual Mural for the Subway System of Santiago Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Gueê: A Tribute to the Tikuna woman Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Immersive Reality Tool for Learning Anatomy and Physiology Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Instable Landscapes: Visual Autobiographies in Real-Time Performances Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Introduction “The Value of Knowledge Transfer in Aya Yala Abya Yala” Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: JELLYEYES: An Augmented Reality Project about Evolution and Vision Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: MaCana, Graphic and Sound Manifestation of the Compartments of a Coffee Man Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Manipulated States of Consciousness: An Artistic Exploration of Perception, Sensation and Immersion Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Materialising a More-Than-Human Internet of Things Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Media as a Medium for Establishing a Conversation Between Colombia’s Past and its Future: Perspectives from a Critical Approach through Installation Art towards Peace Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Misunderstood: Duologue with a Broken Machine Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Monster Cyclone / Follow the Void Live Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Multicultural Poetry Video based on Korean Culture Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Multisensory Interaction, Medial Arts and Education: Prototypes to Accelerate processes of Appropriation in Biotechnology Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Mutante.Lab: Arts and Science Laboratory Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Neuron Conductor: Visualising Cultured Neural Responses to the Introduction of Viruses and Chemicals through a Robotic Arm Conducting Music Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Notes about Experimental Film and Video-Art: A Perspective of Filmmaking between ‘Production Effects’ Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Opportunities in Brazil: FAD – Digital Art Festival, 1st Edition of Digital Art Biennial 2018 Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Plateaus: Computation, Geology, Ontology Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Poietic Strategies in Artistic Practice Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Self-Intersection: Interactive Design for Biosignals, Dance, Sound and Voice Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Smart Secrets of Great Paintings and Unframed: Using Pictorial Patrimony Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Telematic Music: Polemics, Poetics and Proposals Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Anthropocene Cookbook: Eating for our Future Survival Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Application of Embodied Cognition to Haptic Devices for Mental Well-Being Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Being of the Artistic Piece and its Condition of Possibility: A Bio-Generative/Constructive Process Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Construction of the Peace Sign from the Triad Sound, Image and Text Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Dermal Abyss: Possibilities of Biosensors as a Tattooed Interface Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Walls Have Ears Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Yorkshire Soundscape Project: Multi-disciplinary Approaches to a Sound Artist’s Experience of Landscape within the Framework of Soundscape Ecology and Composition Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Tomorrow was Now: Two Decades of Video and Electronic Art in Peru (1995–2015). Artists Statement Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Towards Intelligent Human-Machine Interaction: Learning to Create in a Common Effort Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Transformational: A Psychotransgenic Workshop on Making With Life Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Translational Spaces, Espacios de Translación Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Transmedia Storytelling applied to Research and Dissemination Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Use of Technological Tools of Augmented Reality to Foster Innovative Learning Spaces in the Area of Natural Sciences Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Wake Vortex: Orthogonal Scanning of Digital Artefacts Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Ways of Knowing: Creative Pedagogies for Digital Literacy Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: We-The Common Body, 2016-2017 (triptych): A). “This view has Potential”, B). “Vanitasity”, C). “Virtual Phenotype” Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: What is the Human? Imagining the Self as Post-Human Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Work in Progress: The Department of Arts and Humanities at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Lerma, Mexico. Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: “Caminandar” Expanded book Presenter(s):- Christian Felipe Lizarralde
- Maria Griselda Gomez Fries
- Camila A. Campos Quintana
- David Moreno Galeano
- Santiago Valencia
Title: “Los Venenos”: Theater as a Poly-Perceptive Experience Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Venue Workshops:
Title: Avatar life-review to support memory in older adults Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Co-creating and critiquing training methods for transdisciplinary collaboration Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Data [h]ac[k]tivism and visualization workshop Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Developing with the ESP8266: DIY processes for building interfaces Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Elastic Spaces: Projected Narratives of Being and Belonging Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Embracing adversity: biofeedback devices for audio-visual therapeutic stimulation Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Interactive Performances for Dance, Sound and Biosignals Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Introduction to Gambiological Studies Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):