Hype, Hope and Cyberspace or Paradigms Lost: Pedagogical Problems at the Digital Frontier


Session Title:

  • Pedagogical Policies (Electronic Art in Universities)

Presentation Title:

  • Hype, Hope and Cyberspace or Paradigms Lost: Pedagogical Problems at the Digital Frontier



  • Abstract

    Several critical issues and problem areas have evolved over the past 20 years as computers have been introduced into the art and design curriculum. Issues of concern include:

    * tools usage and skill > fundamental knowledge automation of traditional tasks > new opportunities creative potential > productivity enhancement pressures from the job front conservative attitudes in academia and industry role of tradition > new opportunities

    * the InterNet and beyond the global library the global studio – distance collaboration peer contact and inter-institutional opportunities ownership of the net

    * changing role for members of faculty the “computer expert” > integrated teaching professional development opportunities

    * needs of fine arts > applied arts computer painting > a new medium the virtual studio

    * expanding role of research opportunities for doctoral and post doctoral studies in the area

    * redefinition of the discipline paradigm shift content > hype increasing credibility from other disciplines

    * the place of art and design within broader academic institutions cross-disciplinary opportunities – potentials and pitfalls visualization – illustration rediscovered – or – cheap decoration? communication and information design

    * the place of art within society political implications censorship technology and cultural imperialism

    * the increased need for visual literacy in a hyper-mediated, telecommunications-based economy opportunities for service teaching primary and secondary education home schooling and edutainment – the private sector
