In Praise of Im­per­fec­tion: Pro­to­types


Session Title:

  • Signs of Life: Human-Robot Intersubjectivities

Presentation Title:

  • In Praise of Im­per­fec­tion: Pro­to­types




  • Panel: Signs of Life: Human-Robot Intersubjectivities

    Ap­prox­i­ma­tion, fail­ure, frag­men­ta­tion, gaps, dys-func­tion­ing, whether they are wished for or not, are very human con­di­tions as well as part of  the knowl­edge process. We will dis­cuss how the re­sult­ing be­hav­iours in some ro­botic en­ti­ties re­veal emo­tion as a shared con­struc­tion. No­tions such as  “per­fect ma­chine”,  “au­ton­omy” and  “per­for­ma­tiv­ity” will be con­sid­ered through a se­ries of works by artists. These ro­botic works would often be bet­ter qual­i­fied as “pro­to­types”, which is by de­f­i­n­i­tion a sin­gle pro­duc­tion, with a po­ten­tial­ity of, let us say, a  “pos­i­tive dys-func­tion­ing”.
