In Search of Loca­tive Media


Session Title:

  • Beyond Locative: Media Arts after the Spatial Turn

Presentation Title:

  • In Search of Loca­tive Media




  • Panel: Beyond Locative: Media Arts after the Spatial Turn

    As our cities are be­com­ing dig­i­tal and phys­i­cal hy­brids, ob­servers have sketched techno-dystopian sce­nar­ios in which urban tech­nolo­gies would in­duce ‘fric­tion­less’ con­sump­tion, quasi-mil­i­tary con­trol, and so­cial cap­su­lar­iza­tion of city life. Si­mul­ta­ne­ously, artis­tic in­ter­ven­tions seek to re­claim the urban en­vi­ron­ment through vi­su­al­iza­tions, nar­ra­tives and by spurring chance en­coun­ters, me­di­ated through these same tech­nolo­gies. Still one can­not es­cape the sense that these dif­fer­ent views and prac­tices share an ide­al­ized mythol­ogy of urban life. How can thinkers and mak­ers come up with af­fir­ma­tive per­spec­tives on the po­ten­tial of lo­ca­tion-based urban tech­nolo­gies, in­stead of de­part­ing from an op­po­si­tional re­flex that longs back to an urban par­adise lost?
