“Interactive Technology as Toolkit: Structure of Communication, Senseware, and Research Strategy” presented by Vandenberghe, Gerling, Geurts, Abeele and Devleminck

Session Title:

Design and Public Art

Presentation Title:

Interactive Technology as Toolkit: Structure of Communication, Senseware, and Research Strategy


This research introduces a toolkit for creating interactive ob- jects as a strategy to observe and discuss their construction and experience as scientific, artistic, and social subjects. Interac- tive technology as toolkit is presented to be senseware (Hara, 2009), following three specific trajectories in depth: the de- sign and programming of interactive objects; the understand- ing of rich interaction; and the role of the design objects and their concurrent (scientific) models into the lived-in world. A multi-viewpoint theoretical approach investigates the concept and use of toolkits based on interdisciplinary research, replac- ing single viewpoint categorization. This is coupled with the concept of thickening (Geertz, 1973), as the research seeks to define a liquid form of understanding capable of approaching the complexity of artifacts that cross media and discourses, illustrated with an exemplary case study of Skweezee, a squeeze interaction toolkit.

