Interpretating Reactive Notation and Extreme Sight Reading
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Panel: Chasing Ghosts: Reactive Notation and Extreme Sight Reading
One can take the sight reading and real- time score reading from different points of view but the basic idea of both is actually very similar. When we question sight reading, it is as an important level if inquiry as are the fields of harmony, structure, orchestration, and the tempi of the pieces may vary depending on the century of the written music. This paper’s contribution to the panel will focus on the reading part of notated and non- notated music. Real-time music includes surprises and as in aleatoricism, these occur automatically as the outcome of the interpretation may vary from between performances due to the parameters given at the time being. The real-time scores may include diverse styles as there is no obligation of only making contemporary music or classical music; there are no boundaries for writing the music and interpretating it.