“In­train­ter So­cialite: Emoticon Jacket For Social Interaction” presented by Mallinger


Session Title:

  • Emotion Studies in a Contemporary Art Debate

Presentation Title:

  • In­train­ter So­cialite: Emoticon Jacket For Social Interaction




  • Panel: Emotion Studies in a Contemporary Art Debate

    As part of my cre­ative re­search, I have been in­ves­ti­gat­ing emo­tional in­ter­faces, tac­tile meth­ods tra­di­tion­ally as­so­ci­ated with women’ work and the in­ter­sec­tion of the so­cial ex­pe­ri­ence and tech­nol­ogy. Gar­ments in­te­grate elec­tron­ics seam­lessly into the so­cial ex­per­i­ment and cre­ate a cor­po­real com­put­ing ex­pe­ri­ence. I am cur­rently an MFA stu­dent at the Uni­ver­sity of Den­ver in the Elec­tronic Media Arts and De­sign pro­gram. I have cre­ated an Instructables.?com tu­to­r­ial on how to con­struct an emoti­con jacket with LCD screen. The focus of the jacket, in­traIn­ter so­cialite, is to cre­ate sub­texts for in­ter­per­sonal human in­ter­ac­tion.

    The user uses a lim­ited “key­board” with force sen­sors and but­tons under soft sil­i­cone keys to cre­ate com­puter tex­tual sub­ti­tles to human in­ter­ac­tion (tex­tual emoti­cons, i.e. :P). My in­ves­ti­ga­tion with wear­able com­put­ing, par­tic­u­larly with this pro­ject, is an in­quiry into the loss of in­to­na­tion and body lan­guage that oc­curs at the in­ter­sec­tion of com­put­ers and tex­tual com­mu­ni­ca­tion is ev­i­dent in today’s cul­ture.  In this ap­pli­ca­tion, the ef­fort we put into re­plac­ing the nu­ances of per­sonal com­mu­ni­ca­tion with punc­tu­a­tion and tex­tual cues in the vir­tual realm helps sub­ti­tle and en­hance (or con­fuse) the con­ver­sa­tion and in­ter­ac­tion that oc­curs in the phys­i­cal realm. It cre­ates a range of im­plied emo­tion from the wearer. This also in­tro­duces an im­pre­cise con­trol over the emoti­con dis­played and the per­cep­tion of the emoti­con in the con­text of the in­ter­ac­tion. The user has the abil­ity to change the ex­pe­ri­ence of the con­ver- sa­tion when they at­tempt to con­trol the level of emoti­con dis­played. They have the choice to dis­play re­ac­tions that they may or may not choose to por­tray phys­i­cally. This changes who has ac­cess to this form of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Tex­tual punc­tu­a­tion be­comes its own graph­i­cally and in­ter­na­tion­ally in­ter­preted lan­guage.

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