“ISEA2014 Education Forum” presented by Czegledy

Session Title:

Education/Media (Panels & Roundtables)

Presentation Title:

ISEA2014 Education Forum



Brief presentations by international and regional academics on the Location theme, followed by participatory discussions.

In the context of the ISEA2014 Education Forum the Location theme indicates a site of pedagogical variance including cultural similarities/differences, and diverse socio-political issues. Global education systems are presently under a considerable amount of pressure. One of the key questions for students worldwide is how to get a good education? For policy makers: how do you increase institutional access, but at the same time how do you meet the quality standards that society requires, and that the labor market demands? The last decade has seen an exceptional interest and rapid growth in higher education in the Middle East. Several countries have invested in developing new or invited education institutions from the U.S., Canada and Europe to establish local campuses with the conviction that these institutions will provide high standards of education. A similar interest in higher education on other continents contributed to the rapid growth of private institutions. How should we define the process called the internationalization of higher education ubiquitous presently around the world? Previous experience shows that imported knowledge, techniques, and institutions can be adopted and re-developed on site. Nevertheless these issues require cautious interpretation and forecasting on the geo and socio-political level.

The Education Forum brings together academics, researchers, students and conference participants to discuss the main topic, which is frequently debated by educators, experts, policy makers as well as students- with varying success. The Education Forum is co-organized mainly as a participatory discussion to be scheduled within the time frame of the ISEA 2014 conference schedule.
