“Laboratory of New Technologies: (A)mediality Projects” presented by Muzhesky
Presentation Title:
- Laboratory of New Technologies: (A)mediality Projects
Institutional Presentation Statement
Laboratory of new Technologies is a non-profit organization dedicated to the research of new forms of cognition, neuro-interactivity, and perceptual/electronic materials in media. Founded in 1994, it started as a video art center, which pursued the Idea of autonomous media reality, as a basic factor in the fabrication of meaning in the sphere of mass communications. Today, LNT has become a multimedia institution organized on a dual platform of old and new media Integrated in the framework of (A)mediality. It focuses on the artistic manipulation of mentality and reflexivity by means of peripheral/subliminal structuring of human perception and creates autonomous environments, with a capacity to interact with bio-systems on all communicational and sub-communicational levels. Current projects of the Laboratory of New Technologies include: Perceptronic Materials, Pore, Subfauna and others.