“Liaozhai in the Mirror: Exploring Gender Bias and Awareness through Utilizing Serious Games for Gender Education” presented by Guo, Li, Liu and Gao
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This paper introduces “Liaozhai in the Mirror”, a serious educational game for gender equality centered on the interactive visual storytelling environment with AI-generated images and texts by generative AI (GenAI), which opened a new scope for playable gender education in schools and universities. Inspired by “Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio (Liaozhai Zhiyi 聊斋志异)” and the concept of edutainment, the game amplifies the impact of gender education on the ending of characters in the game through visual storytelling, which is amplified to strengthen the necessity of gender education. Players determine the ending of the original character’s storyline based on their understanding of gender issues covering dating relationships, bystanders, gaslighting, dating violence, gender equality, and consent. In this way, their performance reflects the consequences of misunderstanding from the unfortunate ending to more clearly clarify the significance of learning about gender issues. AI generates 14,348,907 possible outcomes of the same character for different answers through large language models (LLMs) to generate texts and images, and each outcome is the same in terms of good and bad endings, but the stories vary in diversity.