Loca­tive Media and the Pol­i­tics of Space

Session Title:

Hybrid Spatial Experiences

Presentation Title:

Loca­tive Media and the Pol­i­tics of Space



The paper de­scribes two re­cent loca­tive walks con­structed in Athens using the Em­pe­dia Soft­ware suite de­vel­oped for iphone and An­droid smart­phones. The pro­jects were large scale col­lab­o­ra­tive work­shops in­volv­ing  a broad range of dis­ci­plines to tease out the na­ture of pol­i­tics in re­la­tion to city space in Athens. One work­shop: Codes of Dis­obe­di­ence and Dis­func­tion­al­ity used graf­fiti as a trig­ger for pub­lic in­ter­ac­tion and the de­con­struct­ing of the po­lit­i­cal codes be­hind pub­lic man­i­fes­ta­tions of re­sistence to the neo-lib­eral fi­nan­cial cri­sis and its sup­posed reme­dies. The sec­ond walk Urban Dig­i­tal Nar­ra­tives ad­dressed the issue of dis­place­ment in the newly gen­tri­fied Gazi area of the city and cre­ated a var­ied por­trait of an inner city area under great pres­sure from a chang­ing econ­omy and the pres­ence of a va­riet y of eth­nic com­mu­ni­ties. The au­thoer will ask how ef­fec­tive can loca­tive media be both a rep­re­sent­ing these is­sues and lay­ing them be­fore an in­ter­ested proac­tive au­di­ence.

