“Massive Collaborative Animation Projects” presented by Aoki, Ursyn, Joel, Sohn, DeYoung, Pollak and Chang
Presentation Title:
- Massive Collaborative Animation Projects
Massive Collaborative Animation Projects (MCAP) is an international collaborative animation platform. MCAP was founded in 2016 by Dr. William Joel of Western Connecticut State University, and currently has three on-going projects. More than 150 students from various regions, including the US, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand and Singapore have participated in MCAP.
As of 2019 April, MCAP has three projects in development: MCAP01, a traditional 3D computer-animated short film; MCAP02, a 4K real-time animation designed for 360 degree dome projection; and MCAP03, a serial web animation project, presently in pre-production.
MCAP was started to help schools and students to experience collaborative animation production. Producing animation require wide variety of works, including visual designs, storytelling, animation and sound editing. Generally, productions are carried out by large group of artists. Such collaborative environment, working with people with different expertise and cultural background has become very important not only in animation productions but also in other fields, like academic research and software development. For small schools, large animation productions are often too ambitious to complete within their program. In MCAP, participating schools and students can take a part in various phases of production to provide international collaborative and real production experience for students.