Naked on Pluto: A Mul­ti­player Text Ad­ven­ture Using Face­book


Session Title:

  • Sniff, Scrape, Crawl: Part 2

Presentation Title:

  • Naked on Pluto: A Mul­ti­player Text Ad­ven­ture Using Face­book




  • Panel: Sniff, Scrape, Crawl: Part 2

    “Naked on Pluto” is a mul­ti­player text ad­ven­ture using Face­book, in­te­grat­ing a player’s per­sonal data and that of his “friends” as el­e­ments in a satir­i­cal, in­ter­ac­tive fic­tion. The game ques­tions the way so­cial media shape our friend­ships and the way so­cial re­la­tions have be­come a com­mod­ity through tar­geted ad­ver­tis­ing, based on the phe­nom­e­nal quan­ti­ties of in­for­ma­tion we sup­ply these data­bases with, lit­er­ally ex­pos­ing our­selves. The game was de­vel­oped in 2010, as a re­sponse to the ex­plo­sive growth of the data mar­ket, and the role so­cial media play in this. To some, the trade-off be­tween per­sonal data and free ser­vices paid for through ad­ver­tise­ment is more than fair, con­ve­nience comes at a price, but for many it has be­come al­most im­pos­si­ble to make those trade-offs con­sciously and with a good idea of what the con­se­quences might be. The goal of the game is to make these is­sues tan­gi­ble. This paper aims at pre­sent­ing the pro­ject and its con­text, more specif­i­cally how pri­vacy and the mech­a­nisms be­hind data har­vest­ing can be crit­i­cally ex­am­ined using on­line gam­ing.

    Naked on Pluto is col­lab­o­ra­tively de­vel­oped by Dave Grif­fiths, Aymeric Man­soux and Mar­loes de Valk.

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