“Ohme: exploiting ArtScience as a driving force for symbiosis between artistic production, academic research, and science outreach” presented by Sommeillier, Colombo, Klimis and Sauvage
Presentation Title:
- Ohme: exploiting ArtScience as a driving force for symbiosis between artistic production, academic research, and science outreach
Ohme is a Brussels-based ArtScience production, research, and education organization. It works at the frontiers between artistic and scientific disciplines, contributing to the development of new conceptions of interdisciplinarity, with a keen interest in research, co-creation, knowledge sharing and the decompartmentalization of disciplines, mentalities, and audiences. Ohme’s actions are transversal, moving from the visual arts to the performing arts, from the exact sciences to the humanities, while trying to question societal issues in the light of the arts and sciences, in connection with the artistic, cultural, and associative landscape.
By bringing together established and emerging artists, scientists, researchers, and students, it produces performances, installations, science dissemination devices, multidisciplinary events and exhibitions, and it coordinates educational programs and interdisciplinary research projects in ArtScience. Relying on a multidisciplinary team of engineers, cultural professionals, researchers as well as on a large scientific and artistic network, Ohme’s objective is to develop new forms of artistic creation, scientific mediation, transversal pedagogy, innovation, and exploratory research, through collaborative and transdisciplinary practices.