“Penumbra in Faint Light: Contemporary Art and Technology in Latin America Panel Introduction” presented by Thompson, Mukhopadhyay, Arantes, Prado, Argente, et al. …


Session Title:

  • Penumbra in Faint Light: Contemporary Art and Technology in Latin America

Presentation Title:

  • Penumbra in Faint Light: Contemporary Art and Technology in Latin America Panel Introduction




  • The aim of this panel is to showcase achievements in digital installation art in Latin America, especially as such art involves a transformation of media. Presenters, who are also experts and recognized artists, from various countries in Latin America, discuss recent innovations in-between genres and media technologies. Themes assume special importance at a time of transitions and political change, immigration and globalization. The panel which symbolizes the art of PENUMBRAL frontiers of the world may be considered from three perspectives: (a) networking (b) collective art and (c) search of alternative circuitry.
