

Session Title:

  • Secure Insecurity

Presentation Title:

  • Psy­choid




  • Panel: Secure Insecurity

    Lo­cat­ing hal­lu­ci­na­tions in the brain; the psy­che ob­serv­ing it­self; cut-up re­al­ity. Psy­choid uses home built, hacked up elec­tron­ics, ex­ces­sive wires, dark­ness and stro­bo­scopic light to cre­ate a re­al­ity shift­ing in­stal­la­tion. The Lon­don Psy­cho­geo­physics Sum­mit pro­poses an in­tense week-long, city-wide se­ries of walks, field­trips, river drifts, open work­shops and dis­cus­sions ex­plor­ing the novel in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary frame of psy­cho­geo­physics, col­lid­ing psy­cho­geo­graph­ics with earth sci­ence mea­sure­ments and study (fic­tions of foren­sics and geo­phys­i­cal ar­chae­ol­ogy). Open events in­clude prac­ti­cal work­shops in build­ing sim­ple geo­phys­i­cal mea­sure­ment de­vices from scrap ma­te­ri­als, field­trips for study and long-term use of such de­vices in the city, mea­sure­ment and map­ping of phys­i­cal and geo­phys­i­cal data dur­ing city-wide walks, de­ploy­ment of strate­gic un­der­ground net­works, fu­sion of fic­tion, de­rive and sig­nal ex­cur­sion, stud­ies of river sig­nal ecolo­gies along­side short lec­tures and dis­cus­sions of broad, in­ter­dis­ci­pli­nary psy­cho-geo­phys­i­cal themes.

