Science, Art and Philosophy: A Reflection on a Methodological Approach to Intersemiotic Analysis of Interactive Installations

Session Title:

Theory and Criticism of Interactivity in Electronic Art

Presentation Title:

Science, Art and Philosophy: A Reflection on a Methodological Approach to Intersemiotic Analysis of Interactive Installations


We intend to analyze the construction processes of the Installation “Um Novo Tempo – A New Time”, created by the Research Group LABI – Open Laboratory of Interactivity, from the perspective of Yuri Lotman’s reflections on semiotics. Our approach is guided by reflexive relations that lie at the intersection of the concepts of Biosphere and Semiosphere. We consider, accordingly, that the specific languages that contributed to its construction are only in existence in the Semiosphere, which precedes semiosis related to the art objects that build it. In this sense, the experience of interacting was occurring in and outside the cultural temporality to which it is extrinsic, as it is processed by perceptual channels – intrinsic temporality, involving both the immanent information contained in object through it is linked to processes and interaction, and personal information, through affection, and finally, the encyclopedic and sensitive knowledge which made this individual an unrepeatable singularity. Such cultural texture –  forming subjectivities lead us back to Guattari’s concept of subjectivity regarding the machines of subjectivities which are responsible for the creation of bonds and references, both poetic and scientific, in order to make the instauration of interactivity happen.

It’s important to say that the goal of LABI is scientific dissemination through the relations established between the interactor and interactive installations. These are presented as potential mediators and spaces of possibilities. Thus, our proposal is to analyze which concepts proposed in the statement find a form of receptivity that would be sensible to the intelligible, or, if the proposition placed, which consists in making the sensible intelligible and the intelligible sensible was apprehended and to what degree such accomplishment is achieved in view of the polysemy of meaning that such objects are proposing. To do so, we will refer in the analysis of the discursive strategies through which the object of our study was constructed and the intersemiotic relationships entered the broader concept of semiotics of culture. We believe that this methodology can contribute to the analysis of interactive installations tout court, as well as in the construction of an aesthetic reflection that allows artists to employ a range of operational and seminal concepts for the practice of artistic production.

