Shan Stu­dio


Session Title:

  • @China, Virtually Speaking: A Virtual Roundtable Discussion on Emergent Practices in China

Presentation Title:

  • Shan Stu­dio




  • Panel:  @China, Virtually Speaking: A Virtual Roundtable Discussion on Emergent Practices in China

    SHAN Stu­dio is an artist-run plat­form for mul­ti­me­dia dig­i­tal art and com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Op­er­at­ing out of a small stu­dio in the heart of old Bei­jing, its in­ti­mate at­mos­phere and more per­son­able, in­for­mal ap­proach to ex­change has made it a pop­u­lar al­ter­na­tive spot for the Bei­jing media arts com­mu­nity. SHAN in­vites local and in­ter­na­tional artists of var­i­ous gen­res to share their wealth of cre­ative ex­pe­ri­ence and con­cepts. The stu­dio hosts artists talks, hands-on work­shops, an in­ter­na­tional res­i­dency pro­gram and spe­cial courses in media arts for local youth.

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