
Session Title:

Patchwork Panel: Conceptualising Seams that Separate and Stitch Together

Presentation Title:



Panel: Patchwork Panel: Conceptualising Seams that Separate and Stitch Together

SMS-em­broi­dery-feuil­leton is a way of telling sto­ries to­gether on sev­eral lev­els; an em­broi­dered feuil­leton as well as the oral sto­ries told and shared while em­broi­der­ing it. The sto­ry­telling is sit­u­ated in what we call an ed­i­to­r­ial sewing cir­cle. An SMS about anger was cir­cu­lated on, for ex­am­ple, Face­book, in a dis­play win­dow of the Gallery KRETS and the street-mag­a­zine Aluma in Malmö, Swe­den. This was the in­vi­ta­tion to take part in the writ­ing of a feuil­leton made out frag­ments of sto­ries stored in peo­ples mo­bile phone in­boxes; close to their bod­ies and every­day lives. Par­tic­i­pants could em­broi­der their SMS by hand or for­ward it to an em­broi­dery ma­chine.?When the par­tic­i­pants spent some time in the sewing cir­cle they usu­ally also started to tell the other par­tic­i­pants about what is not said in the short text mes­sage. An em­broi­der­ing in words, and not only tex­tile took place.

At the end of the pro­ject, par­tic­i­pants were in­vited to form a tem­po­rary ed­i­to­r­ial board about what se­quence to put the em­broi­dered SMS into. This ver­sion was later pub­lished in the street mag­a­zine Aluma. SMS that were writ­ten to be part of one set of re­la­tions, usu­ally not aimed to be con­nected to other sto­ries nor to be pub­lished, is in the SMS-em­broi­dery-feuill­ton given at­ten­tion and brought into a new set of re­la­tions. In mo­men­tar­ily ar­rang­ing the em­broi­dered SMS into what the par­tic­i­pants de­cided to be a mean­ing­ful story and pub­lish­ing it with gaps and holes, our at­ten­tions is drawn to the seems that sep­a­rate as well as hold to­gether the nar­ra­tive, which con­stantly can be ripped and re-arranged and re-stitched.?Through the com­bi­na­tion of the prac­tices of text mes­sag­ing, em­broi­dery and the genre of the feuil­leton, we put focus on nar­ra­tives and prac­tices that rarely are part of head­lines. Sto­ries that are ab­sent pre­sent.

