“Stayin’ Alive. Southern Cone Video Art Archives in Context” presented by Crescentino
Session Title:
- Summit on New Media Art Archiving: Long Papers
Presentation Title:
- Stayin’ Alive. Southern Cone Video Art Archives in Context
This presentation addresses some problems affecting physical and digital archives dedicated to video art in the Southern Cone, relating to matters of accessibility, preservation and dissemination of video-based art collections in the present. In an attempt to map such a complex situation, firstly, I look at some of the most relevant Latin American video art festivals. I take as case studies the Encuentros Latinoamericanos de Video, the Festivales Franco-Chilenos and Franco Latinoamericanos de video arte, VideoBrasil and Buenos Aires Video, which promoted the production, circulation and dissemination of audiovisual arts in the last two decades of the 20th century and, alongside, fostered the creation of physical archives or video libraries in the region. Secondly, I identify some institutional and academic projects that, since the mid-2000s, have carried out tasks of valorization and remediation of video-based art collections. Actions through which it has been possible to give visibility, accessibility and survival to some video art works, and documentation related to the above-mentioned festivals. Finally, under the premise of problematizing the initiatives that safeguard this audiovisual culture and its difficulties to endurance, I point out common challenges to audiovisual archives in the present, and the answers articulated by some research projects to face them.