String, Sounds and Satellites; Site-specific Sculpture, Sonics and Mobile Geo-Reality


Session Title:

  • Spaces and Ecologies

Presentation Title:

  • String, Sounds and Satellites; Site-specific Sculpture, Sonics and Mobile Geo-Reality




  • An initiative from a small international collective of artists and researchers, String, Sounds and Satellites (SSS) combines public art with emerging technologies to present new public space possibilities through both physical and augmented realities. SSS connects the public/participants’ experiences in everyday life with the immediate environment. SSS will be developed for specific locations in Sydney; the aim of SSS is to deliver a multi-sensory experience of place, site and its history, stories, imagery and issues. Initial proof of concept for SSS will be developed prior to ISEA2013. SSS participants will meet at the UNESCO-listed biosphere of Noosa, South East Queensland, during May/June 2013 to develop collaborative responses to this unique eco-environment. SSS brings together 3 individuals from 3 continents from 3 disciplines: Andrea Polli (USA) creates public media and ecology art works internationally, focusing on the role of art in the understanding of environment. Robbert de Goede (The Netherlands) is an interior architect and visual artist. His installations have strong connotations with wireframe 3D models and computer aided design software, playing with the senses and unbalancing the viewer. Nigel Jamieson (New Zealand) research centres on dynamic data visualisation of complex systems, virtual and augmented reality applications and mobile geo-reality.
