The University of Sydney
Venue Location:
Sydney, Australia
Eastern Avenue Auditorium & Lecture Theatre Complex
Eastern Avenue
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
Venue Special Events and Presentations:
Venue Art Events:
Venue Presentations:
Title: A Serious Game: New Media, Censorship, and the Spectacle Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: A thousand tiny interfacings: fertile acts of resistance Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Alberti’s Window V2.0: A Vision Machine for Expanded Spaces of Representation Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Art, Body and Technology: an overview of current approaches from Latin America Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Art, Mediation and Contemporary Art Emergent Practices Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: ARTiVIS DIY FOREST SURVEILLANCE KIT Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Autism And Theory Of Mind In Interactive Spaces Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Baby X: Digital Artificial Intelligence, Computational Neuroscience And Empathetic Interaction Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Between one and zero: noise, ghosts and plasticity Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Biting Machine, a performance art experiment in human-robot interaction Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Cinematic experiences and the digital moving image Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Collaborative Registers of Interactive Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Community Mapping: FROM REPRESENTATION TO ACTION Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Creating #Citizencurators: Putting Twitter Into Museum Showcases Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Cybernetic Configurations: Characteristics of Interactivity in the Digital Arts Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Dance and Virtual Physics: The Mass of the Object Does Not Necessarily Equal the Object of the Mass Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Dancing in Suits: A Performer’s Perspective on the Collaborative Exchange Between Self, Body, Motion Capture, Animation and Audience Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: DATA ECOLOGIES: Laika’s Dérive and Datawork Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Dérive in the digital grid, breaking the search to get lost Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Electronic Music Is Here To Stay. Or Is It? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Emoto: Visualising the Online Response to London 2012 Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Experimental Cultures and Epistemic Spaces in Artistic Research Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Exploring the Responsive Site: Ko Maungawhau ki runga Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Exquisite, Apart: Remoteness And/As Resistance Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Facing Affect: Synthetic Interface & Meaning Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: From Coexistence to Interaction: Influences Between the Virtual and the Real in Augmented Reality Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: From Sound to Waves to Territories Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Game Engines As Prehension Of Incomputable Data: the processual effectivities of game engines Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: GestureCloud: Gesture, Surplus Value and Collaborative Exchange Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Hidden Topology of Being: Life and Space Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Humpy: An Early Australian Architectural Projection Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Innovative Forms Of Healing: New Media Art as a Catalyst for Lasting Change in Therapeutic Settings Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Kinect-Based Rgb Detection for ‘Smart’ Costume Interaction Presenter(s):- Lynsey Calder
- Jose Magalhaes
- Ruth Aylett
- Sandy Louchart
- Stefano Padilla
- Mike Chantler
- Andrew MacVean
Title: Large Screens and the Transnational Public Sphere Presenter(s):- Nikos Papastergiadis
- Scott McQuire
- Dr Amelia Barikin
- Audrey Yue
- Xin Gu
- Cecelia Cmielewski
- Leon Cmielewski
- Ross Gibson
- Matthew Jones
Title: Latin American Kinetic Art and Its Relationship With Electronic Art: Gyula Kosice and Abraham Palatnik Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Making sense of sounds: patterns and noise Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Managing Multiplatform Materials: Selected Case Studies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Manipulating Space, Changing Realities: Space as Primary Carrier of Meaning In Sonic Arts Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Maps of time: exploring the rhythms of a mediated world Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Meat, Metal and Code: Engineering Aliveness and Affect Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Medium-Specificity and Sociality in Expanded Cinema Re-Enactment Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Mirroring Sherry Turkle: a discussion on authenticity, humanity and technology Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Nam June Paik: Cybernetics and Machines at Play Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Narratives of Locative Technologies as Memory Assemblages Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Occupy This: A Dialogic Dérive Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: On AL GRANO’s “Crop-Cropping” project and agro-cultural erasures Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: OpenPaths: empowering personal geographic data Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Panel Statement: Im-position: a minor politics for interactive art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Post-Digital Aesthetics and the Function of Process Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Reading, Writing, Resisting: Literary Appropriation in the Readers Project Abstract Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Repeating the Past: Lessons for Visualisation from the History of Computer Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Resistance Is Feral: Digital Culture, Community Arts, and the New Cultural Gatekeepers Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Responsive Public Space: Performative Immersive Setting in Public Environments Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Sanity and mental health in an age of augmented and virtual realities Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Science Fictional Aesthetics: The Novum & Cognitive Estrangement in Contemporary Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Shivering Domains: Technologically Mediated Embodiment And Ecologies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Speculative Objects: Materialising Science Fiction Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Static As A Trope In Electronic Art: David Hall’s 1001 Tv Sets (End Piece) And Other Works Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Stretch: An Early Software Art Framework by Aldo Giorgini Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Supereste Ut Pugnatis (Pugnatis) Ut Supereste Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Techno / Natural Interfacing: walking and mapping in the age of climate change Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Connective Tissue Of Physical Computing Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The digital dream hacker: crowdsourcing the dream imaginary Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Hacking Monopolism Trilogy Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Impact of Gestalt Perceptual Organization in the Stereoscopic Theatre Environment Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts Revived? Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Pointless Chatroom: Coping with Absence in Online Performances Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Role of Evaluation in Public Art: The Light Logic Exhibition Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Sound Of Memory: An Audience Derived Audio Visual Experience Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Tracking the Boom: Think Tanks, Mouse Hacks and more in the United Arab Emirates Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Trees As Time Capsules: Extending Airborne Museum Hartenstein to the Forest Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Virtual Puppetry Assisting the Elder’s Life Review Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Waterwheel Patch: Using Mobile Device Sensors for Live Participation in an Online Networked Environment Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: What is Transmedia? Projects and thoughts beyond the buzzword Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: A Diffractive Reading of the Messy Entanglements Between Mainstream Contemporary Art, Sci-Art and New Media Art Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: A Living Catalogue for Anish Kapoor: Revealing Untold Stories in Rich Media Museum Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: A talk on Video Synthesises to accompany the Catching Light panel at ISEA2013 Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Alien Agencies: the unstable dance between art, techno-science and new matter Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Alternative Histories of Computer Music: CSIRAC Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Aspects of the Art/Science Equation: Media Art Meets High Energy Physics Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Bodytext: Somatic Data as Agency in Interactive Dance Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Book apps and legacy media: How the humble picturebook informs interaction design Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Candida as companion species: exploring the performativity of interspecies care Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Collaborative Manufacturing Units Against the Black Box Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Computer Music in Chile 1970-1980: COMDASUAR Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Crafting Wellbeing: Exploring how Digital Media can Extend craft-based Textiles and Contribute to Health and Wellbeing Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Data Ecologies: Laika’s Dérive and Datawork Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Diffractive Art Practices: Ecologies of Intra-actions and Difference Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Digital art going mobile: the case of the iPad as ‘digital canvas’ Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Experimental arts: the challenges of funding speculation and exploration Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: From Mouse Hack to iPad: New Media in the UAE at Zayed University Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Generating Electronic Dance Music without Mirrors: Corpus-based Modelling without Quotation Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Green’s Art: New Media Aesthetics In Pre- And Post- Election Events In Iran Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: In Transition: Effectively Mapping the Traditional Pedagogical Media of Art and Design to the Digital Realm Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Increases in Image resolution & Context Dependency Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Intérieur: a multi sensory immersive experience Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: ISEA: an incubator towards an urban research think tank at the College of Arts and Creative Enterprises, Zayed University Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Kids exploring ethical choices in unnatural biologies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Learning to Dance With a Human Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Live and survive in the hybrid space: resisting ubiquitous surveillance Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Microbial Identity: Art and biodiversity of self Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Modelling Performance: Generic formal processes in live digital performance Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Modelling Performance: Generic formal processes in live digital performance Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Open Cultures: cultivating collaboration Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Panel Statement Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Panel Statement Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Panel Statement Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Pixelated View: Investigating the Pixel in Light of Substantial Motion Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Portmanteau Worlds: Hosting Multiple Worldviews in Virtual Environments Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Post Digital Publishing, Hybrid and Processual Objects in Print Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Quiet terror: studio, lab and experiment at the edge of the known Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Realism and the Future of the Moving Image Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Reconsidering Experiential Knowledge in the Relation of Art and Science Practices Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Resistance to digital and digital resistance: curating the networked photograph Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: REVOLVE or the impossible task of performing sleep Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Roundtable Statement Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Roundtable Statement Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Same Same but Different: Curating in the digital landscape (whilst staying out of the rain) Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Self-evidence: a fertile resistance, a non-alienated view Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: situationism, resistance, Occupy, Super 8, Žižek, digital media Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: String, Sounds and Satellites; Site-specific Sculpture, Sonics and Mobile Geo-Reality Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: TANGIBILTY: Highlighting Physicallity in Interactive Installations Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The DAM(N) Project: The validity of community engagement, social activism and digital technology in interdisciplinary art practice Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The data wars: protest is increasingly an affair of incommensurables Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Dynamics of Collaborative Resistance: Negotiating the methodological incongruities of art, cultural theory, science and design Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Great Work of the Metal Lover: Art, Alchemy and Microbiology Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The IndaPlant Project: An Act of Trans-Species Giving Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The modal weight of an interactive and electronic artwork: relational materiality, distributed cognition and the actor-network Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Open: Mediating the Human and Non-Human Interface Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Performative Archive: Formations of Social Memory in Interactive and Collaborative Documentary Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Sustainability of Future Bodies Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: The Verdant Shed and Cloud Mapping Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Unintelligent design, the evolutionary limits to biological design Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: Wo.Defy: designing wearable technology in the context of historical cultural resistance practices Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Title: [e]arts for humanitarian actions? the “art!⋈ climate” initiative Presenter(s): — Symposium:
Venue Workshops:
Title: Chip Music Workshop / Pixel Sound Festival Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: EBEMU: Experimental Body Extension Manufacturing Unit Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Gesture, Sound and Place Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Global Mind Field: A Cybernetic Perspective Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Hacking the Body Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Introducing the Data and Data Providers Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: KR8V – Masterclass and Workshop Weekend Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):- Martin Zimper
- Galvin Scott Davis
- Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba
- Manuel Lima
- Marnix de Nijs
- Michael Naimark
- Fei Jun
- Ross Rudesch Harley
Title: Rethinking Arts and ‘Open Data’ as Social Dimensions to Environmental Intelligence Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):
Title: Spatio-Temporal Anomalies Workshop: Detritus and Meaning Symposium: | Organiser/Presenter(s):