“The Art of Mobility: How Transdisciplinary Artists’ Projects are Testing the Boundaries of Mobile Media Design” presented by Rieser
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Keywords: locative, pervasive, media, art, design
“Locative media emerged over the last half decade as a response to the de-corporealized, screen-based experience of net art, claiming the world beyond either gallery or computer screen as its territory. Initially coined as a title for a workshop hosted by RIXC, an electronic art and media center in Latvia during 2002, the term is derived from the ‘locative’ noun case in the Latvian language, which indicates location and vaguely corresponds to the English prepositions ‘in’, ‘on’, ‘at’, and ‘by’.” _Tuters, Marc and Varnelis, Kazys, Beyond Locative Media
This paper will examine and critically align a number of projects using mobile and pervasive technologies, which have challenged the design and delivery of mobile services from around the world, as documented on the author’s weblog and forthcoming book Mobile Audience. The examined range of artist’s work in locative media also raises key questions on the underlying conceptual frameworks necessary for an effective locative experience.