“The Kite Knows Where I Go: An Exploration to Trace Awe in an Embodied and Situated Kite-flying Experience” presented by Shao

Session Title:

Art, Nature, and Perception (short papers)

Presentation Title:

The Kite Knows Where I Go: An Exploration to Trace Awe in an Embodied and Situated Kite-flying Experience

Presentation Subtheme:

Speculative practices



Often associated with an intense and profound emotional experience of wonder, amazement, elevation, joy, and even fear, awe is a complex emotion defined by the sense of perceived vastness and a need for accommodation. It has the effect of redirecting people’s attention away from personal interests and goals, and more towards collective identities. Drawing insights from psychology and cognitive science, this paper discusses the theoretical foundations of awe. On the basis of this conceptual framework, an interactive sound installation will be presented, where through kite-flying, the sensation and perception of awe are traced in an embodied and situated manner.

