“From I-Ching to AI: Interrogating Digital Divination” presented by Davies

“From I-Ching to AI: Interrogating Digital Divination” presented by Davies

“Aeolian Noises: Reconciling Wind Turbines in the Australian Landscape” presented by Gelder

“Aeolian Noises: Reconciling Wind Turbines in the Australian Landscape” presented by Gelder

“Artistic Practice as an Alternative Research Method:  Investigating Non-representational, Nonlinguistic, and Affective Forces in Technology Through Artmaking” presented by Nam

“Artistic Practice as an Alternative Research Method: Investigating Non-representational, Nonlinguistic, and Affective Forces in Technology Through Artmaking” presented by Nam

“Permeability and Media Art” presented by Daniels and Langill

“Permeability and Media Art” presented by Daniels and Langill

“Hyperrealia: Augmented Reality Cultural Heritage Object Interventions” presented by Henschke, Kendrigan and McCormick

“Hyperrealia: Augmented Reality Cultural Heritage Object Interventions” presented by Henschke, Kendrigan and McCormick

“The Kite Knows Where I Go: An Exploration to Trace Awe in an Embodied and Situated Kite-flying Experience” presented by Shao

“The Kite Knows Where I Go: An Exploration to Trace Awe in an Embodied and Situated Kite-flying Experience” presented by Shao

“Toshio Iwai Archive and Research” presented by Kimura-Myokam

“Toshio Iwai Archive and Research” presented by Kimura-Myokam

“Ars Electronica Archive: current developments and plans” presented by Radner

“Ars Electronica Archive: current developments and plans” presented by Radner

“Under the bay” presented by Moren and Bachvaroff

“Under the bay” presented by Moren and Bachvaroff

“Leaving our comfort zone. A proposal to co-create appropriation in Media Art Archives for their sustainable future” presented by Morales

“Leaving our comfort zone. A proposal to co-create appropriation in Media Art Archives for their sustainable future” presented by Morales

“Under the bay” presented by Unknown presenters

“Under the bay” presented by Unknown presenters

“The Spanish Network of Art, Science, Technology and Society: Red-Acts” presented by Alsina

“The Spanish Network of Art, Science, Technology and Society: Red-Acts” presented by Alsina

“Terminal: Existence, conservation, and dissemination of Computational Art” presented by Iniesta and Moro

“Terminal: Existence, conservation, and dissemination of Computational Art” presented by Iniesta and Moro

“The Creation of the Medialab Madrid Archive: Preserving the Memory of Transdiciplinary Media Art Practices” presented by Ohlenschläger, Mateo, Belmar and Hernández

“The Creation of the Medialab Madrid Archive: Preserving the Memory of Transdiciplinary Media Art Practices” presented by Ohlenschläger, Mateo, Belmar and Hernández

“Merging Art, Media, and Ecology: Diego Rivera and Ariel Guzik at the Cárcamo de Dolores” presented by Pederson

“Merging Art, Media, and Ecology: Diego Rivera and Ariel Guzik at the Cárcamo de Dolores” presented by Pederson

“Tuning in: Reflections in the Wake of Blackness through a Knitted Textile Antenna” presented by Davis, Lewis, Oghazian and Evrim

“Tuning in: Reflections in the Wake of Blackness through a Knitted Textile Antenna” presented by Davis, Lewis, Oghazian and Evrim

“When the others are the machines: the challenge of relating to the new craftsman” presented by Medina

“When the others are the machines: the challenge of relating to the new craftsman” presented by Medina

“Laboratorio de luz. More than 30 years of research in art, science and technology in the Spanish panorama” presented by Martinez de Pisón and

“Laboratorio de luz. More than 30 years of research in art, science and technology in the Spanish panorama” presented by Martinez de Pisón and

“Summoning the nereid nerds: invisibility and visions within network architectures” presented by Barclay

“Summoning the nereid nerds: invisibility and visions within network architectures” presented by Barclay

ISEA2022 Chan: Emerging Collaborative Preservation Project in Asia

“Emerging Collaborative Preservation Projects in Asia” presented by Chan, Chow, Chung, Kwong and Wei

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