Through the Web Blocks


Session Title:

  • Through the Roadblocks: Technology and Orality

Presentation Title:

  • Through the Web Blocks




  • Panel: Through the Roadblocks: Technology and Orality

    “We can­not process your in­for­ma­tion. Your in­for­ma­tion is cor­rupt and needs cleans­ing. Erase brain?”  _Mark Amerika, OK TEXTS

    At a time when ter­abytes of in­for­ma­tion are stream­ing in our homes oral­ity and hearsay (vi­rals/so­cial net­works) be­come all the more rel­e­vant in the de­vel­op­ment of ideas. Com­pa­ra­ble to Lewis Car­oll’s map (Sylvie and Bruno Con­cluded: The Man in the Moon, 1889), our media land­scape is ex­panding to­wards use­less­ness. Through the Road­blocks ex­am­ines both the tra­di­tional in so­cio-po­lit­i­cal terms and tech­no­log­i­cal means by which ideas come into ex­is­tence and are shared.  Echo­ing the land­scapes in Song­lines the me­di­ated space be­comes syn­ony­mous with cre­ation.

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