“Tributes to Francisco José de Caldas: New Expeditions and Hybrid Practices in Art and Science” presented by Londoño and Mejía


Session Title:

  • Hybridisation and Purity (Short Papers)

Presentation Title:

  • Tributes to Francisco José de Caldas: New Expeditions and Hybrid Practices in Art and Science




  • This paper consists of a biographical presentation of the polymath Francisco José de Caldas and two programs inspired by him that aim to bridge art and science practices. Caldas mastered several disciplines from biology to journalism and was a key figure in Colombian independence more than 200 years ago. The University of Caldas is leading two programs that are inspired in Francisco José de Caldas legacy to promote hybrid practices and integrative thinking. Exposure to multiple disciplines with collaborative tools can help not only individuals but also teams to generate hybrid practices that integrate complex broad knowledge.

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