Unexpected Affairs: Wearable Technology, Human and The Arts
Session Title:
- Borders and interfaces: the challenges of the wearable computer’s design in the near future
Presentation Title:
- Unexpected Affairs: Wearable Technology, Human and The Arts
Panel: Borders and interfaces: the challenges of the wearable computer’s design in the near future
Instead of considering wearable technology devices as prosthetic tools that aim to aid and enhance the human body, the author takes a viewpoint that reality is part wise a construct of the technological devices, and this construction is experienced not only through them but also by them. Composite intentionality is proposed by P.-P. Verbeek as the intentionality of technology combined with intentionality of a human using the technological artifact. In this constellation technology is “experiencing” the world autonomously and constructing its own reality.
For example, the way a wearable device is sensing or “seeing” aspects of the world and producing visual signs of it, which would not otherwise be perceptible to the human. There is an intentionality of technology toward “its” world and another intentionality of human beings toward the result of the technological intentionality.(Verbeek, 2008) This kind of intentionality reveals a reality that can only be sensed by technology, but which is then made accessible by the technology for human intentionality. Technology has here a double role; it is obviously material part of the physical world, but simultaneously it is a mediator of its own constructed (technological) reality, which in this way becomes also as a part of the (human) user’s reality and environment. In this kind of situation technology can no longer be thought merely as a tool, but it is a part of a user’s “hybrid reality” that still has its base on physical experience of the world. Examples of this kind of intentionality are found for example in the arts where in some projects the intentionality of technology is taken as relevant aspect in itself. The paper presents both contemporary wearable technology projects and relative historical works.