Laura Beloff

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

Aalto University, Associate Professor

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

ISEA 2022

Laura Beloff (PhD) is an internationally acclaimed artist and a researcher in the cross section of art, technology and science. The research is in a form of installations, wearable artifacts, and experiments with scientific methods that deal with the merger of the technological and biological matter. The research engages with human enhancement, biosemiotics, AI, AL, robotics affiliated with art, humans, natural environment and society. She is Associate Professor and Head of Doctoral Education in the Department of Art & Media at Aalto University, Finland.


Laura Beloff (PhD) is an internationally acclaimed artist and a researcher in the cross section of art, technology and science. Additionally to research papers, articles and book-chapters, the outcome of the research is in a form of process-based installations, wearable artifacts, and experiments with scientific methods that deal with the merger of the technological and biological matter at large. The research engages with the areas such as human enhancement, bio-semiotics, biological matter, artificial life, artificial intelligence, robotics, and information technology in connection to art, humans and society. Currently, she is Associate Professor and the Head of ViCCA program at Aalto University, Finland.


Laura Beloff (PhD), IT-University, DK, is an internationally acclaimed artist who has been actively producing works and exhibiting worldwide in museums, galleries and art events since the late 1980’s.


Laura Beloff’s artis­tic works, with ac­claimed in­ter­na­tional rep­u­ta­tion as an artist, can be de­scribed as pe­cu­liar wear­able ob­jects, pro­grammed struc­tures and par­tic­i­pa­tory, net­worked in­stal­la­tions. Many of her works deal with in­di­vid­u­als in the global so­ci­ety try­ing to adapt to highly com­plex tech­no­log­i­cally en­hanced world, which is be­com­ing in­creas­ingly mo­bile. Beloff has ex­hib­ited widely in mu­se­ums, gal­leries and me­dia-art events in Eu­rope and world­wide, f.e. in Vi­enna 2011, the Venice Bi­en­nale 2007, and in Brazil 2008. She is fre­quently lec­tur­ing about her re­search and prac­tice in uni­ver­si­ties and var­i­ous con­fer­ences. 2002-06 she was Pro­fes­sor for media arts at the Art Acad­emy in Oslo, Nor­way. 2007-11 she was awarded a five-year grant by the Finnish state. In 2009-2010 and in 2011 she has been an in­vited vis­it­ing artist at The Uni­ver­sity of Ap­plied Arts in Vi­enna (AT). Cur­rently she is work­ing to­wards PhD within Plan­e­tary Col­legium, Uni­ver­sity of Ply­mouth.

Last Known Location:

Copenhagen, Denmark

Previous Location(s):

  • FI

International Programme Committee: