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Chair Persons: Åsa Ståhl & Kristina Lindström
Presenters: Melin Margareta & Johanna Rosenqvist
The panel will explore how meaning is created through the process of arranging and re-arranging fragments; how meaning is created through patches and quilting. Our proposed format is a patchwork panel, i.e. a conversation between knowledgeable people through story patchwork quilting. The panelists, and other invited guests, prepare ”text-patches” as notes or reminders of what to say. These text-patches – in paper or textile in A4 format – can have images, concepts, words written or stitched on them. The text-patches are put on the floor in front of the audience. The workings of the seminar is such that none of the panelists can assume to put down all of the patches in her own preferred order as this patchwork seminar format presupposes that anyone could continue on the thread of thoughts put down on the floor, and thus creating a new pattern. Also, the audience is invited interact and intervene by putting down its own text-patches on the floor.
- Introduction of the panelists.
- Lindström and Ståhl introduce the idea of the patchwork seminar and hand out A4-papers to the audience.
- Lindström and Ståhl put down the first patch: to tell stories of an SMS-embroidery feuilleton written in gallery Krets in 2009. SMS-embroidery feuilleton is a way of telling stories together in what we call an editorial sewing circle.
- Melin situates text-message embroidery in the context of editorial boards, and refers media production studies.
- Rosenqvist situates the text-message embroidery in the context of traditional sewing circles with references to art-history.
- The actual patch-work seminar opens up with panelists and the audience putting down patches.
- At the end, the bunch of patches on the floor can be stitched/glued together and kept as a documentation of the patchwork seminar.
- The patches could become part of a future quilt.