“When the others are the machines: the challenge of relating to the new craftsman” presented by Medina


Session Title:

  • Short Papers Online Content

Presentation Title:

  • When the others are the machines: the challenge of relating to the new craftsman



  • This article proposes to reflect on artistic creativity in the artificial dimension, experienced under the dynamics of co-creation, in which a new interactor emerges from cyberspace – we call it the new craftsman. The article will discuss characteristics of a scenario in which the development of artificial works seems to suggest the repositioning of the authorial discourse, articulating changes that allow us to assimilate the metamorphosis that symbolizes both a new generation of techno-images and a new moment for art-science, through a new poetics that manifests itself in a context of expanded hybridization between bodies of different natures: both organic and inorganic. Starting from the time frame that is established in the 1960s, we propose a discourse oriented to reshape the relations between human and non-human beings and suggest ways to think Artificial Intelligence (AI) in an attitude that values the differences between biological and synthetic thinking. We conclude the article by suggesting the reasons why we believe that creation with AI seems to be the greatest revolution since the advent of photography.

