Y’arr, What be Yer Share of the Booty, Matey? De­viance as Strat­egy


Session Title:

  • How dare you? Acts of Deviance and Strategies of Discreditation

Presentation Title:

  • Y’arr, What be Yer Share of the Booty, Matey? De­viance as Strat­egy




  • Panel: How dare you? Acts of Deviance and Strategies of Discreditation

    The term ‘Piracy’ has been used by copy­right hold­ers to de­clare dif­fer­ent forms of copy­right in­fringe­ment and sim­ple non­profit peer-to-peer file shar­ing tech­niques as crim­i­nal and de­struc­tive an­ti­so­cial acts. How­ever, the use of this de­val­u­at­ing de­nom­i­na­tion has de­vel­oped its own dy­nam­ics.  What was meant to dis­credit a set of cul­tural prac­tices has back­fired, as the so called pi­rates grad­u­ally co-opted the name by ac­ti­vat­ing the in­her­ent heroic and re­bel­lious con­no­ta­tions.  Piracy as a label has be­come a ubiq­ui­tous sym­bol in the on­line- and of­fline world. Sail­ing under the flag of piracy as a form of de­viance is now even un­der­stood as a rad­i­cally lib­eral po­lit­i­cal ac­tion.
