ISEA2012 Education Forum
The profile of education in the 21st century is going to be very different from previous models. Both institutional leaders and academics are aiming to redefine the role of higher education and invest on a large scale in new learning technologies. Consequently, higher education is expected to be a much broader enterprise in the future. The financial crisis from 2007 to present -arguably the worst crisis since the 1930 – has widespread consequences in all walks of life including education. In addition to deep budget cuts and increased tuition fees (an unprecedented financial burden for students) numerous questions remain unresolved. Educators concerned with local and national government funding, specialists in education finance, and educational administrators need to be aware of the latest research and practice in the economics of education. The scope of the crisis is enormous; nevertheless to develop a dialogue on an international level is essential. The workshop brings together academics, researchers, and educators to discuss the latest developments of policy research, evaluate the role of educational research, as well as existing educational business strategies, financial modeling, and risk management. It is essential to keep in mind that in addition to the long-term benefits of education, the successful future resolution of current problems will greatly influence the perspectives and potential of tomorrow’s leaders. The workshop strongly encourages interaction between participants interested in the changes of economic dimensions of education. The summary outcome of the workshop is to be published in the Leonardo Education Almanac’s series on education.