Novel Incentives, Emerging Trends & Hybrid Practice. The Future of Education?



  • Novel Incentives, Emerging Trends & Hybrid Practice. The Future of Education?



  • In the ISEA2010 Education Workshop the identification and discussion of specific key educational issues initiates the open exchange between educational experts and workshop participants. Roy Ascott’s introduction on pioneering platforms for Ph.D. studies forms the initial base for the exchange. The contribution by knowledge transfer experts concerns relevant learning methods and accreditation, including Ph.D. studies and novel incentives leading to hybrid learning and interdisciplinary practice. While some of the issues are more relevant in a regional context, over the last years an ongoing global discourse became evident on these topics.

    Nina Czegledy – The Future of Education? Novel Incentives, Emerging Trends & Hybrid Practice

    Lately, more and more academic institutions require lecturers with advanced degrees; yet obtaining these qualifications remains a problem in several countries of continental Europe – leading to fierce debates on educational circumstances. What is our role in this environment and how do we proceed? Roy Ascott’s Planetary Collegium initiative is a remarkable example
    of a pioneering international platform for Ph.D. studies. His introduction to the ISEA2010 Education Workshop forms the base of the discussion on the complexity of these issues. It is recognized that the complexities include numerous significant items including packaged e-learning, various business models and social technologies for higher education etc. Within the scope of this workshop however – by pragmatic consideration – the discussion is focused predominantly on various aspects of Ph.D. studies and hybrid learning.

