Virtools: Authoring Tools to Create Behavioral 3D Environments


Virtools: Authoring Tools to Create Behavioral 3D Environments



Tutorial Statement (‘Seminar’)

Digital artists and authors seek to create richly interactive worlds. Such environments evolve over time, challenge spatial conventions, and generate unexpected events and experiences.

With this in mind, Virtools 3D software gives authors a means of bringing their ideas to life with drag-and-drop building blocks and a graphical interface. Give media objects, characters and sounds individual behaviors: they become actors in their own right alongside the author and his or her audience. Events, whether triggered by users or the application itself, generate complex and intuitive interactions.

This seminar will show several projects created with Virtools authoring tools, to demonstrate how the software adapts to an author’s specific needs and goals. The range of works covers CD-Roms, online creations and an exhibit installation. The seminar will take you behind the scenes of one project to see step-by-step how Virtools technology transforms 3D models, images and sound into interactive and behavioral environments.
