Dominique Cunin

Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Ecole des Arts Décoratifs

ISEA Bio(s) Available:

  • ISEA2023

    Dominique Cunin, EnsadLab (Paris, France) & SAT Metalab (Montreal, Canada). Dominique Cuninis a graduate of the National School of Art in Nancy and the EESI in Poitiers


    Dominique Cunin was born in 1980, in France, and now lives in Paris. He is a graduate of the Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Art de Nancy and the EESI of Poitiers where he received a Master’s Degree; his art project thematic is the representation and understanding of space through digital technologies of the image. His practice invests computer graphic animations, interactive installations, experimental softwares development, multiuser online environments and art experiments on mobile devices. An exchange program with the Kanazawa University of Art for one year permitted him to study the Japanese language, which he speaks fluently today. Currently as a doctoral student at the Paris 8 University, a researcher at EnsadLab and assistant professor at the University of Valenciennes and ENSA Nancy (Creation and Research Atelier), he has had the opportunity to be the curator of the exhibition Continuum, in the official program of Luxembourg 2007 European Capital of Culture. His works are shown in exhibitions related to research programs such as In-Out (2006-2008, Paris – Citu), Lost Time, a Relic of a Second Llife (2009 – Gallery 9, Nancy – Nancy ENSA) and published in online publications (2010 – So Multiples) or printed books (2009 – R & C – Recherche et Creation – Burozoique).


Last Known Location:

  • Paris, France

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