De­viant Media Tac­tics: Cre­at­ing Faces


Session Title:

  • How dare you? Acts of Deviance and Strategies of Discreditation

Presentation Title:

  • De­viant Media Tac­tics: Cre­at­ing Faces




  • Panel: How dare you? Acts of Deviance and Strategies of Discreditation

    With the in­creas­ing dig­i­tal me­di­a­tion of every­day com­mu­ni­ca­tion, novel forms of de­viant acts have emerged: po­lit­i­cal posters of can­di­dates are re­worked, fake-iden­ti­ties are em­ployed and ex­ist­ing me­di­ated com­mu­ni­ca­tion is or­ga­nized into novel forms. Em­pir­i­cal ex­am­ples of de­viant media tac­tics abound. By fo­cus­ing on Goff­man’s no­tion of the face as a sit­u­a­tional image of self, con­structed ac­cord­ing so­cially ap­proved moral at­trib­utes, this paper ex­plores de­viant media tac­tics as sets of im­ages pro­mot­ing other kinds of moral at­trib­utes, and thus other forms of main­tain­ing face.

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