“Panel on Sonology: Sonifying the Conflict” presented by Arango, Laurenzo, Barco and Gomez
Presentation Title:
The experimental sound practices extend the acoustic referent of the conflict and produce cultural objects related to experiences of violence, displacement and social disparity. The Panel on Sonology will gather five artists-researchers whose works allow us to reflect on the role of music, sound art and sound design on communities disturbed by social inequality and violence. From different perspectives, the panelists will show personal modes of sonifying the conflict, discussing artistic experiences where experimental sound practices have been introduced in communities traced by social disruption: (1) Musical instrument building in the periphery, by Tomas Laurenzo (2) Acoustemology of the Armed Conflict in San Juan Nepomuceno, by Luz Eneida Ramirez (3) Mestizo Machines by Jorge Barco, (4) Sound: expression of the conflict and pedagogical tool, by Joaquín Llorca and (5) In the interstices of a memorial: A Review on Triangulation Gender/Sound/Technology, by Ana María Romano G.
Keywords: Sonology, Sound Studies,Soundscape, Sound and Conflict, Experimental Sound Practices