Tomás Laurenzo Coronel
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
Other Affiliation(s):
- City University of Hong Kong
ISEA Bio(s) Available:
Tomás Laurenzo is an artist, engineer, academic, and designer, working with physical and digital media, interested in data representation, music, interaction, and politics. With a background in both computer science and art, his research spans across different practices and interests, including artificial intelligence (machine learning), human-computer interaction, physical computing, and extended reality.
He has several publications, mainly in the areas of New Media Art and HCI, including SIGGRAPH Asia, NIME, ISEA, NeurIPS, ECCV, Sónar+D, Mutek, TEI, among many others. His artistic production is also diverse and includes installations, music, live cinema, video, and digital lutherie. His artworks and performances have been shown globally.
Since January 2021, he is Associate Professor at the Department of Critical Media Practices, College of Media, Communication and Information, University of Colorado at Boulder. Previously, Tomas worked as an Associate Professor at University of the Republic (Uruguay), where he founded and directed both the Medialab (Laboratorio de Medios) of the Engineering School and the university’s Core Group on Human-Computer Interaction.
He has also performed artistic and academic activities in several institutions including the School of Creative Media at City University of Hong Kong (Assistant Professor), The Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT (Visiting Scientist), Microsoft Research (Research Fellow), Carnegie Mellon University (Visiting Scholar), Brunel University, (Guest Lecturer), Ericsson, (Visiting Researcher), University of Iowa, (Visiting Artist), Stochastic Labs (Artist in Residence), and INRIA (Research Intern), among others.
He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the PEDECIBA Program, and was advised by Dr. Alvaro Cassinelli, University of Tokyo.
Tomás Laurenzo, PhD. is an artist, computer scientist, and academic working with physical and digital media, interested in data representation, music, interaction, and politics. With a hybrid background, his research spans across different practices and interests, including artificial intelligence, HCI, physical computing, and virtual reality. His artistic production is also diverse, including installation, interactive art, music, live cinema, and digital lutherie. His artworks and performances have been shown internationally with exhibitions in Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.
Since 2014, he is an Assistant Professor at the School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong. Laurenzo has also performed artistic and academic activities in several institutions including The Broad Institute of Harvard and MIT, Microsoft Research, Carnegie Mellon University (USA), Brunel University (UK), INRIA (France), and the University of the Republic (Uruguay), among others.
Tomas Laurenzo (Uruguay/HK), PhD is an artist, computer scientist, and academic working with both physical and digital media exploring the artistic construction of meaning and its relation with power and politics. Laurenzo’s production spans across different practices, including installation, interactive art, music, live cinema, and digital lutherie. His artworks and performances have been shown globally. He is Assistant Professor at the School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong. He has published mainly in the areas of New Media Art, and HCI.
Dr. Tomás Laurenzo, Assistant Professor, School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong. Tomás is an artist and academic who works with both physical and digital media exploring the artistic construction of meaning and its relation with power and politics.With a background in both computer science and art, Laurenzo’s work spans across different practices and interests. His artistic production includes installations, interactive art, music, live cinema, and digital lutherie.
His artworks and performances have been shown in the Americas, Europe, Asia, and Oceania.Since 2014, he is Assistant Professor at the School of Creative Media of the City University of Hong Kong. Laurenzo has also performed artistic and academic activities in several institutions including UDELAR, Microsoft Research, Carnegie Mellon University, Brunel University, and INRIA, among others.
Tomás Laurenzo, Universidad de la República, UY, is an artist, designer, researcher and engineer, born and based in Montevideo, Uruguay. He works as Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department of Universidad de la República (UDELAR) University, being the Director of the Engineering School’s Media Lab. He holds a Master of Science, a Computer Engineer degree and a Bachelors in Computer Science degree. His Masters thesis has been considered a pioneering work in Uruguay. He is a PhD candidate, advised by Dr. Franco Robledo (UDELAR) and Dr. Alvaro Cassinelli (University of Tokyo). He has publications in the areas of art, HCI, Software Engineering and Mobile Robotics; his artworks and performances have been shown and awarded locally and internationally.
Tomás Laurenzo, Laboratorio de Medios, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Tomás Laurenzo is an artist, designer, researcher and computer engineer, born and based in Montevideo, Uruguay. He works mainly in the new media art and human-computer interaction fields, tending to include new technologies in the artworks and tools that he creates.
Although he has a rich experience working independently in both public and private sectors –working or having worked for many companies and institutions from Uruguay, Brazil, Germany, Spain, Mexico and the USA– he is now Associate Professor (full-time, tenured), at the Computer Science dept. of the Universidad de la República of Uruguay, where he is the director of the recently created media lab –Laboratorio de medios– of the Engineering School, as well as being Associate Researcher at the Center for Basic Research of the School of Psychology, Visiting Professor at the School of Architecture, Researcher at the National Agency of Research (ANII).
Since 2011 he is Research Fellow at Microsoft Research. He has also performed artistic and academic activities in several foreign and local institutions including Carnegie Mellon University of USA, Brunel University, West London, INRIA Institute of France, the ALFA academic network of the European Union, ORT and IUAS Universities of Uruguay and Uruguay’s Ministry of Education and Culture, among others.
He has publications in the areas of New Media Art, HCI and mobile robotics; his artworks have been shown both in Uruguay and in foreign countries.He holds a degree in Computer Engineering and a Master of Computer Science (done under the direction of Dr. Sergi Jordá, Universitat Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona, Spain, and Dr. Eduardo Grampín, University of Uruguay), titled new media art, both from Universidad de la República. He is a PhD. candidate, working under the advice of Dr. Álvaro Cassinelli (University of Tokyo).
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