Amala Groom: The Visibility of Blackness

  • ©, ,


    The Visibility of Blackness

Artist(s) and People Involved:




    1′ 30″, 4K UHD video with sound. Two channel synchronized.

Artist Statement:

    The Visibility of Blackness(2018) is a performance of the remembering of BE- ing by Amala Groom; of the past, present and future. In iterating and existing single channel work, The Invisibility of Blackness(2014) the artist moving from the present into the past, now in unison incanting on the left; the future moves into the present moving into the past and on the right; the past moves into the present moving into the future.
    The contrast between the two works is in the nature of what the artist accounts as both the invisibility and now inhering, the visibility of the Aboriginal experience as what is visible to some is not always visible to others as we tend to only ‘see’ out of the lensd of our own ‘experience’.
    The progression across the iteration not only manifests in uniting the western linear notions of time with the Aboriginal aspect of its indivisibility for the artist his is personal; a reflection upon ‘growing up’, of maturing into her cultural remembering, moving from the desire to have her externa sovereignty recognized by Colonial Project to embodying the knowingness that her self- sovereignty matters most.



All Works by the Artist(s) in This Archive: